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Everything posted by technikal

  1. I hate those things. :hatred: But damn that's a lick.
  2. But fades, spreads, and doesn't drip right. Not to mention comes off like water on some surfaces.
  3. ^^No need to get all "technical" about the inks. Everything you said has been mentioned many times before in this thread. Ya you're cool you know about inks. wow you have read this thread. Just stick to the Q's And A's, not who can spit more ink knowledge...
  4. No marsh stains as hard as garvey. But the pigment marsh lasts longer outside, but might not resist the buff. So what to do? Mix them it's been said, read back.
  5. Yes the cap pops off the bingo boppers.
  6. Im not sucking up to anyone. You're just a dumb toy. It's the truth.
  7. ^^^^I wouldn't know since i do not live in new york But i bet there is, they sell everything in ny. I got mine from a friend, who most likely got it off the internet.. There fun markers though.
  8. ;) whats the tip like(made of)? anyone try one of those "metal markers?" the ones that have the metal ball point and can write in any conditions. up side down through mud and grease. through dog poop or cocaine (oops same shit.) i though of them as them very very yall. very very. Quoted post [/b] Ya there pretty nice i have a yellow dalo and the thing is huge! it works fine, Kinda hard to get the paint flowing after you have used it alot, but they last forever outside, And i mean forever. I like it you might too. :king:
  9. Get rid of that indian ink. Your better off using those blue and red pilot refills.
  10. ya there rugged. I've tagged brick with out them tearing up. :ballcap:
  11. Those face paints above are sick! never used those, look how much ink you can put in those bottles! where do you get those? Actually omen the nib on the face paints kick ass, they last forever dont rip or pop off. It would be hard to fit, even the smallest strip of eraser in the hole anyway. Just clean em out and there good.
  12. Im trying to tell you. Yes i have put it in a clean uni and other valve markers. The result is a good pocket marker that is medium point and gets good drips if you push it down hard. Just think of a uni with thinner ink in it.... thats what it is. It works good trust me. Do it. And yes you can mix something with it, Pigment ink! if you want it to last more than a couple days outside. So add pilot or marsh pigment, for outside use. If you use it inside that's another story You dont need to add anything.
  13. Ya you could put it in a uni. But clean it out first, Or you could mix Half garvey with half of the ink that comes with the uni and it would Last longer outside. As for the new sharpie paint marker's that are just like a uni, same advice. As for a regular sharpie, bad idea the Ink will most likely dry up since it's not a free flowing ink marker, if the ink doesn't dry up it will go on thin, with no drips and be easier to buff. The face paint marker is your best bet cause you can control the drips and the ink goes on thick and nasty. my question for you is YOU CANT GET A KIWI IN YOUR CITY?
  14. You can walk around in your collage?!?! That's one big peice of art. But hey im bot complaining.
  15. :haha: Thats funny cause that's what my room looks like right now, without the kel tags :(
  16. Omen knows whats up! Damn i like those min wides.. How do you like those tagsters??? Thinkin of buying a few they look nice. peace out. Tech nine.
  17. PRICELE$$.. That debt hanstyle is cleannnnnn.**
  18. ..OMEN>>>>so you're telling me that if i get white marsh pigment type ink and mix it with some garvey,(and a good mop of course) That it is in your great knowledge of inks from 20 some odd years of bombing the best for all around use, outside, poles, inside bathrooms, buses, etc... But i was wanting to get a real dark violet color or even the electric purple that garvey has (but not black) and it seems that the white marsh would make it lighter, so i was thinking of getting maybe the violet marsh pigment or the red and mixing it with violet garvey to get a dark purple for staining objects that are outside to get some dark ghosts around my city that won't fade in the sun. If this is true this seems to be the ink of all inks........ the shit i have been looking for in these freaking pilot inks, fiebings, nero, which either get buffed easy or fade........ (P.S. Thanks for schooling me and the rest of these kids, Its good to have an OG in here with out you we'd all be runnin around sprayin fish oil with metal flakes in it everywhere)
  19. hey omen is that orange dye type marsh off the website above no good or what? i realize it wont last in the weather since its dye type, but still would like to rock the orange color.
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