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Everything posted by wirkone

  1. true, more than 2000 photos next earthling to type under me has a fucked up tooth(rotted away)
  2. shit, id buy mad bikes. and a small property to make some dirt jumps on and some shovels to make the jumps. :) happynes, oh dont forget the buds galore
  3. clems in the snow, fuck dale, lols
  4. crying about others lives is useless. dont improve your situation none. my thoughts, BITCH SHIT............
  5. USERS CURRENTLY VIEWING THIS THREAD: 6 (4 members and 2 guests) FUCK , THE , DICKCOX , BASTERD and anons
  6. false next person to type recently broke their own fucking tooth.(smarts)
  7. SO I HEARD YOU WAS CRYING THE OTHER NIGHT, SHOULD I BLOW YOU UP?????? I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT WENT DOWN.........YOUR FUCKING PATHETIC..... GET OFF HIS NUTS:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :o :o :o
  8. true. grubbing their foods... tpbm is not on a comp......
  9. whats this say? i see it all the time but dont know who it is
  10. would have been better if you put(where you put rucacus) "FUCK DALER"
  11. lol. i also expected to see some dead fuck. leaking out his dome
  12. fucking court, fuck court,.....true the person below me knows (like i do)where to steal them rusto thins.....
  13. fucks bitches, but i aint got no money really half true half false tpersonbm is a true oontzer
  14. false tpunderm picked up the new juxtapose
  15. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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