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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. awesome, then i wont feel bad when you loose your shoes again cause you probably didnt even pay for them
  2. Im glad that youre making "breads" to buy new shoes..Im sure your girl is glad too cause she would always be up in my ear about how youre a fucking bum while she was giving me free drinks.
  3. Damn..didnt know you could run your mouth even when you dont have shoes.
  4. guess i need to step my bridge game back up huh..bump my dot com peoples
  5. what do mylk and ultra have to do with virginia? or any state that even touches virginia for that matter?
  6. my advice to yoooouuuuu
  7. i cant believe that dude let aura draw on his chest
  8. I hear that..i will say that i did see svev alot when i was coming up as well(just depends on where you were looking..and this was disputed on here before i believe) DNC gets overlooked but they were doing the damn thing around that time and even HSK were getting it in but no one talks about them (mostly because of bias or hurt feelings) I dont really think it was a stone cold testament to who was up then but more of a "who i seen up" type of thing. I know i saw some names that werent prominent dc heads that influenced me hard. To each their own i suppose. I think the words he puts on the wall mean alot more than words that he said in a magazine
  9. Cassidy


    anyone got the rest of this?
  10. see this dude all the time out in fairfax..thats where it looks like this was taken
  11. lol..someone got their feelings hurt
  12. That DC history that ruined was some Mr. MM stuff that was there probably longer than most of you have even been alive. And please stop posting that fucking awful 495 wall..A. its not in DC B. None of those people i have ever seen in DC C. it looks like shit
  13. hahahaha..phat disses brooooo
  14. thats my homie jimbo msp hoa dot.com not the same dude..big up to the ylers though on the real
  15. not you..the person currently painting kwote
  16. If the kwote from richmond was still around he might kick you in the throat..just saying
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