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Everything posted by cloner

  1. yeah, im just chillin right now before i go out, i didnt wake up til like 3 or so today anyways. with that im out though, later.
  2. right on sounds like fun. i havent been out painting in a week or so, ive been so busy with work and school. oh well, ill get out soon.
  3. yeah, from the dude who did the root canal, and my dentist i have an assortment of different goodies. just went to the grocery store and got some necessities for tonight, jack daniels, beer, and some goods to cook on the BBQ. Its such a nice day out, a bbq will be perfect. edit: any fun plans?
  4. yeah, the novacaine wore off about halfway to work, and i could really feel it then. however, i remembered the nice big bottle of vicodin that the dentist guy gave me, and problem solved. krie, im sorry to hear about that man, things will look up for you. rip.
  5. cloner


    yeah i like it so far, pretty solid feeling so im happy.
  6. well, actually it wasnt that bad. well i guess i should rephrase that..its not that bad yet because im still number than a stupid shit. it went really quick and there was literally no pain(seeing as there were no live nerves in the tooth) was in and out in probably 45minutes to an hour. now im just waiting for my prescriptions to get filled and im set.
  7. cloner


    mm, i had a s&m way back when. now ive got a fit series 1..im too lazy to go into details about all the parts on it..find the bmx thread if you want theres a picture of it in there.
  8. have fun!! T-minus 2hr 45min til misery : MLTf4nt0m: before he filled it, he told me about it...saying he could try and get it clean as possible, but something like this could happen, or i could get a root canal right off the bat. however at the time, i opted just to get the filling, cause i was more broke then than i am now. edit: what do you think the best web brower is? (windows compatible)
  9. oh its much more complicated than that.. when my dentist filled a cavity he didnt get all of the shit out of the tooth. so years go by and it forms this giant absess death blob under my gums. :(
  10. gotta pay some of it upfront before they start... edit: does a root canal hurt ;)
  11. i have to get a root canal tomorrow morning :(
  12. cloner


    thats a cool link, awesome videos. thanks trackstand!
  13. whenever i try and quit smoking i get sick as fuck. its a love hate relationship - cigarettes and i.
  14. i always do stupid stuff like that. most of all, when theres empty cans or bottles on my desk and im drinking a fresh one of said cans or bottles, ill always grab the old one and drink that. wait, did that make sense?
  15. im good as fuck at making drunken promises like that^^
  16. its been one month today since i had a cigarette.
  17. cloner


    DESSERT. just remember..you want 2 servings of dessert so theres 2 S's in it. only one in desert because no one likes it :( that chick looks fine from the back, i want some full frontal action!
  18. i have a cut on the inside of my nose and its never going to heal :(
  19. even though im not in the club, i felt the need to announce...just found 27 bucks in the parking lot of my apartment.
  20. cloner


    i broke my arm riding this weekend. fuck.
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