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Everything posted by MartySchemeR

  1. dope shit. where is this dude from?
  2. Im so glad i live in the city... and that bitch is wack lookin
  3. MartySchemeR


  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
  5. is that the same tchug from boston
  6. Neck face navy 8 MSK dudes r like 2pac they get aroud
  7. did they do lean overs on that fr8?
  8. U got to be jokin right. Any one who byts big or pac lines is striat trash. there are madd heads out there who were boys with big that rhyme but do u see them using evry other line he said. Pac hated him. NAS destroyed him! lil wanye sux cope said it best if ur gonna byte at least byte some 1 whos sick. and this jus means SEAN CARTER to JAY Z man u on JAZ dick! :clown2:
  9. HOTT shit i still see vespa shit runnin in boston.. good stuff
  10. DISS THEM ALL jus be the man
  11. AVES dissin SPEK thats the best! DYNASTY TOWN boston
  12. WOW u guys cant win the phillies suck, 76ers suck and now the egals suck... BOSTON NATION
  13. WOOMP WOOOMP WOOMP!!!!!!!!! see all that shit u guys talk get u no where. Belichick for president in 2008
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