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Everything posted by dlokddlokd

  1. shut the fucc up http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/1176cb3b.jpg'> http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/DCP_2623.jpg'> http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/DCP_2622.jpg'> http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/DCP_2621.jpg'> http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/DCP_2620.jpg'> http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/DCP_2619.jpg'> http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/DCP_2618.jpg'>
  2. photobucket does lick balls....hold onhttp://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/DCP_2604.jpg'>
  3. finally some one came thru with the flix.. http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/b8d7938e.jpg'> http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/a7516894.jpg'> http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/9b7833cf.jpg'>
  4. http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/killer2.jpg'>
  5. about garvey...is it good on only painted metal?...aluminum?..steel?...what?
  6. uh yeah im in on that killer shit
  7. so yeah...who was down fora battle wit me?!?!?!
  8. http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/SWI.jpg'>
  9. whos down for a battle ???????????????????????
  10. im back............................... ne one up for a battle? names for smile and uhh..hmmmm.....for "S" i vote...koots..cus its not all wild and gay like the others
  11. yo 60f1 email me.....dlokddlokd@hotmail.com
  12. ^^^ that is why i asked on that garvey / red pilot mix...sneak no one asked you so shut the fuck up and i can get garvey for hella cheap...cheaper than what their own website sells it for...ANYONE WANT ANY? hit me up
  13. http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/garv.jpg'> wuts the mix ratio with this shit
  14. dlokddlokd


  15. god dammit...i thot i knew how to make krink .. i mean i know the ingredients and stuff...rustoleum aluminum paint and thin it out with some mineral spirits...but i think i thinned it out way too much....cus when applied it dripped hella( kinda ugly drips) and is a we bit see thru...o and i added a lil brake fluid...wut did i do wrong....i filled half a bottel with the paint and the other half is thinner
  16. that hiker chrome shit is freshh...cdied cant c ne of ur pix
  17. http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/untitled.jpg'> this?
  18. so only to thin other shit or to darken somethin else...got it
  19. http://img46.photobucket.com/albums/v141/dlokddlokd/kiwi.jpg'>
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