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Juan Fuentes

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Posts posted by Juan Fuentes

  1. i can see your point...i guess for me it boils down to the ethics of the situation. if youre going to send husbands, wives, mothers and fathers off to die for, in this case, absolutely no justifiable reason, i think there should be some accountability. a lot of these widows are losing half of their income which is a huge blow. factor in children and it gets that much more difficult. id much rather see my taxes go towards taking care of those who have been hung out to dry by our government than see them use my money to tap our phones and buy more weapons.


    so you do believe the government is a monster.

    you arent wrong on that.


    and i agree with that, in the sense that in the country we live today that bill will be a good thing.



    in an idealistic way, not completely in favor.

  2. well, yes, i get you about the compensation money thing. but debt is debt and it shouldnt be canceled completely like magic.

    those compensation checks can be of a certain amount, depending on the size of the debt.


    im trying to be fair to everyone. the debt they might have is money taken from our taxes(depending of what kind of debt they are into).

  3. I'd be able to slit an animal's throat if I had to. I know for a fact I could shoot one.


    But I'd rather slit the throats of people who do things like lighting a cat on fire. I'm a firm believer that the deepest levels of hell are reserved for people like that.


    i was trying to get to that point. people who do that are extremely evil.


    ...for fun, you light an animal who has done nothing with the intention of hurting...


    then what would they do to people who they dont like because of insignificant human problems?!?!

  4. bin laden sorry for 911?

    Omar didnt say about 911... and cant be either because he had no role in 911.

    the tape is a fake we know that, but still if you believe the tape is real he doesnt take responsibility as the master mind of the attacks...


    i laughed loud when Omar said he will hide Osama because he is his father, with a smile on his face...man! that was childish from him...overall i see him as uninformed.

    saying Osama must be on Afghanistan is another thing that made him look like a kid, and the way he said it.




    i come to the conclusion that is either being used because of his ignorance to make it seem like the hunt for the boogieman still on.




    he is part of a deception operation.

  5. its crazy the control the leaders of country's have over the citizens.......sorta concerns me


    research about:

    New World Order (it's an idea, but the ones upholding it are called that name too)

    CIA history

    USA foreign policy history

    The Rothschild family (bank owners)

    Henry Kissinger

    Protocols of Zion (document)


    let the connection between your EYES and BRAIN be unclogged by leaving emotions and relationships aside.

    look up at info and come up with your own conclusions. discuss it around.

  6. so if you dont know arabic you cant understand the quran(ie follow islam).......

    you know very well all muslims read the quran first before coming to islam.


    you people hurt a system because of sectarian pride.

    majority doesnt mean is right.


    sure dawood, that's your faith, but i must point out what you are saying is a lie because muhammad didnt say that. if he did bring me prove from God's book that he said that, because i only follow the quran like muhammad did.

  7. i was talking about the leaders, the citizens are kind of too. the ones who arent die or are very few.


    is like saying americans are dumb, of course you dont mean all of them.




    and that's what muhammad said? i dont know what muhammad is that, but the messenger of God doesnt say such stupid things like that.

    bitting a penis, gime a break like blind believing damn.

  8. weird cases happen in that country, then they make up new laws and some even weirder stuff ends up happening.


    depends on the dude(s) in charge of the case.


    power-hungry people indeed.

  9. they think having a gossipy life

    learn how to lie and play it out.

    be a hypocrite to not lose relationships.

    talking behind people's back and act cool...

    ...is being mature.


    people is waking up though.

    it used to be worst before.

  10. this backwardness wont stop until we get the NWO out completely.

    they globalists love this wickedness, it is used as an excuse, to add to the list, of bad things "muslims" do.


    those saudis are more unbelieving than an atheist.


    notice how this kind of news were kept hidden(from the general/worldly pubic) before 911.

    leaving these sectarian wackos alone with their oppressed society, to increase their fear and submission to the corrupt rulers.

    leaving the civilians deep in ignorance, almost impossible to return from it.


    perfecting their boogieman.

    perfect islamophobia material.

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