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Everything posted by KiLL Or DiE

  1. Ok the paint on the left crate is my good piecing paint and the right one is just for bombin..Not mych but hey,,, My Bombin bag...u cant go wrong with them silvers.. Scraps, Cheap paint and just my whatever paint.. Just a few of my markers..Not includin my messy ass ones and the window etch ones.. ;) And u cant forget to stock up on them prismas for that Rainy season u feel?..2 new boxes of 120 color pencils..3 new sets of Markers..One used set and the other one i just started usin it.. :love2: ...hope u like..Peace to all...
  2. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: U godamn right booooy.!!!
  3. My Vote... Docs for the Handstyle and This for Duer...
  4. KiLL Or DiE


    Wifey got me this right here..Dunno where she got em from but they tight....Representin East oakland...Couldnt upload the rest of the pics but heres this one...
  5. Heres a few sketches... Ps..never mind be right back later..Bandwidht Exceeded..Weak shit..sorry folks...
  6. Hey I'm willin to help..We can start a whole new winning list and like separate the battles from the begginers (I hate the word TOY) , the middle guys and for the advanced people to make it a lil more fair.....We can have the 3 battles (each category) at one time but no more than that so it wont be so cunfussin..So let me know whats up...lates..
  7. Bump!!! whats goin on !!!!!!!!???????????
  8. Vote for: *ENTYRE *PAID *KILL OR DIE VOTE Quoted post
  9. Paid KiLL Or DiE Sorry guys I had to do this..... StarzAbove where u at dog?... VOTE
  10. I want in, the SMOKER battle went down the drain too so......characters, and full color n everythin right?..state the name...peace...
  11. Awwwww thanx for pointin that out MR Celly Phone..but I mispelled "WOOFER" you know, as a speaker...Its sum Bay Area Slang, your speaker be slappin, makes sence?.. :king: ...E-40 dunno if u ever heard of him...Mah badz I'll fix that in a minute... ;) ..thanx for pointin that out dog..lates..
  12. Dog, hope u dont mind me taking ur idea..I was looking at sum of ur shit and was like damn round canvas?...Then I realized it was an old record..duuhh..lol..well anywayz u got sum nice shit goin on...I have a shit load of old records when I was a "DJ"..Cool shit doe...stay up peace...from Oakland Califaz..
  13. No problem dog...constructive criticism is always welcomed., I missed a lot of spots. no excuses doe..But when I was doin my 3D I didnt noticed I erased a lot of my lines...As a matter of fact my boy said the same thing but it was too late to fill up that gap...Just a sketch doe, u feel...lates...
  14. Son... you got a panty on your head. Quoted post [/b] So what the fuk is ur point??...I aint goin to post mah face sucka..Anywayz....Back to the subject..heres mah shit..peace...
  15. I'm on it pimpin, like I said before have to many priorities so just in my spare time I handle my shit.....Prolly be done by tonite, I wont keep u guys waitin...Peace..Kill Or Die ...Krylon Over Dose, Konsider Oakland Deadly.... Sketchin with my Baby on my side..lol
  16. My vote for Entyr... Competition was close doe...
  17. Nice shit..I'll have mine done by tomorrow or sumthin..these few days off had me lost...So I'll have mine ready...Can some one give me a hint on how to post pics with this new shit??,,,thanx...
  18. MMHMMMMMM no one postin the word sooooooo...what bout ***SMOKER***...???? Soundz good?...let me know so I can start sketchin....Due 10/7/04 or before that...(if u need more time let it be known).......Peace...
  19. Sup Playboy... I'll take u on that battle...state the word..let me know whats up...or can I pick the word since I'm a new cat in the thread..lol..:p ...Holla....
  20. Thanx dog... Thanx dog, keep it up, do what u do aight..Maybe later we can have another battle...Thanx for those who voted for me..peace to all from Oakland...KOD krew..Krylon Over Dose,,,Lates...
  21. Lil sum sum... Itch by Kill Or Die http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v489/ESO510/ITCH.jpg'>
  22. See I cant hook up my scanner to my laptop, so I have to use my digital..pencil with a flash dont go, u wont be able to see my lines , how bout just black n white..pen or sharpie is all good..lates..
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