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Everything posted by micro

  1. sup yall, i know ive prolly been booted out of 20DEEP do to not putting in work. ive been in some trouble but i am getting a new digi cam today or tomorrow and would like a chance to be part of the family again. i got a new character psyco steve im workin on so ill get pics up as soon as possible. peace out and take it easy
  2. what the fuck are you talking about
  3. so when u gonna make it up to boston MLT. once again i was in a lil trouble with the law so i havent been able to put in work but as soon as i get a new digi cam ill be puttin in mad work and im workin on some new characters now so holla atcha boy. 1
  4. his finger is sticking out on the other side of the mop and looks a lil like it could be part of his nail...maybe thats what you see
  5. virs...them shits are hot man i dunno what else to say
  6. aight cuzz im keepin it 100% me all real from now on
  7. its just that i thought about what u were sayin about how everything u say online is what gives people an idea of who you are and i realized that the personality i show on here for the most part doesnt really show who i really am and i dont like that so i figured you guys dont either...i didnt mean for that to sound the way it did either nor did i mean to focus on you...i apologise
  8. lol...ur a trip man i cant help but to like ya (even though u probably dun like me to much but its all good)
  9. holy shit that "hello my name is" wall is so fuckin gay...a.k.a. that shit is dope
  10. hey guys...i think im gonna start a new character...stanley is kinda hard to give different personas ya know? ill get pics of it as soon as hes made and i get them...peace out urvyone
  11. all the fliks on this last page are straight gay...keep up the good work
  12. fiend in a speedo...el toro with a fro...gotta love it:lol: edit* photo bucket is a good host...always works for me www.photobucket.com
  13. is that ur pit i see there perro?:)
  14. chillin chillin cuzz...bout to ge sum sleep
  15. u could get into a soda machine easy as hell with one of those
  16. heres something i started in december but didnt finish cuz the cold fucked up my finger from holding the cap so long... http://img35.photobucket.com/albums/v107/micro1/Mar09201.jpg'> edit* sorry its not a sticker guys but i made sure it said 20 deep for yall
  17. how u gonna call me a toy when u never seen my shit besides maybe stickers? and how u know how long i been writin? watch ur mouth if u dont know who ur talkin to boy...toy edit* if u really wanna beef wit me take it to another thread...ill catch up with you when i have time
  18. this doest have anything to do with stickers but chumbawumba and my self both sent packages to eachother last week but havent recieved them yet...i wonder whats goin on...
  19. u should break in and put stickers inside...u shouldnt put them all over the place inside but put 1 or 2 on each mirror on toilet counters etc. it would be funny for them to just stumble accross ur stickers and they would probably tell every1 in da house to look so the camera man will zoom in on them i bet
  20. what u mean "i cant be serious"? i hope ur not talkin bout the name cuz thats what i write and i been writin long b4 i knew about this site...i was just thinkin that when i saw ur name though and when i saw u registered b4 me i knew sum1 was gonna bitch at me or sum shit
  21. not yet maybe 2morrow...do u remember what day i sent yours? you should probably get it tomorrow
  22. ^^^^kinda makes me wanna cry...^^^^
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