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angry orphan

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Everything posted by angry orphan

  1. heres some flicks i stole
  2. who you callin kid like we're buddies.. i dun know you.. you were just downplaying the amount of tags people did cus i asked about yer boy... its no big deal if shit gets painted over.. it is, however, a completely different story if people are dissing pieces with tags... knowhatimsayin... KID?
  3. well who ragged em?? i see a little bit of marker taggin in em.. but shit if they were ragged spill it cus i garuntee if anyone disses anything NSF on that wall there will be repercussions.. and i dont' mean paints over.. i mean "RAGGS"...
  4. hahaha.. hey yallrstupid.. you swing that word most around very loosly im sure if this dude had more cleans than MOST of the general posting population on here i'd have heard of him.. not saying he didn't put in work and all.. but fer real.. and sofe dude's got a point.... i know it sucks and all but thats the game.. you don't see soviet takin out that wives piece cus its over him.. and then again.. it is only a legal wall yall get so bent outta shape its redic.. its legal.. its a wall if you want something to run.. .go paint a fuckin train fer christsakes...
  5. but really who is scar tho? its not the same one from here back in the day?? anybody know.. i know theres the one in north carolina.. but he burns this dude.. not sayin hes bad.. just sayin... also arab where'd you go?? still goin for all city?? these days you gotta battle with the buff.. its craaaayyyzay
  6. haha.. you guys are wild...
  7. who are scar and brew?? that wives is pretty good... and sofe although it looks chomped.. thats your best fill to date..
  8. Necs nise tre rei21 amen hert atak xide freak
  9. at least yours is still legible... shit you can't even tell what mine says...
  10. wtf^^^ yo i dunno i think banjo burned gost on that wall.. i mean they are both good, but banjo might take that cake...
  11. theres no out of towners on that amtrack spot.. that sky and erge is dope...
  12. tale lookin good... dame and gost2...
  13. blink musta stayed downtown at the marriot.. hahaha.. cornball
  14. hahaha.. word.. ey and you should probably take that map off here.. just sayin
  15. really good shit.. if only people put work in like that still
  16. unit rip dyst train... good looks to ALLMETAL for the flicks..
  17. yea crow and ridle are not the orphans, however, gier is... they are homies tho
  18. na hes obviously biting his letters... also....... ORPHNSKINGS
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