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Everything posted by Gunm

  1. I saw Mr. Andre all over Tokyo. I saw some MSK/AWR stuff in harajuku too. The japanese are funny...super polite. I gave out WAR42 stickers like candy...
  2. hmmmm,from the sound of it It'd do me some good to wait a while before investing portable video technology. I felt the sony PSP was a rip off. I went to best buy to score one and what happens? I find out it has NO onboard memory and you have to back shit up on memory chips.......sorry, i don't think so.
  3. I've got this hoodie hanging in my cloest at home..... My sister got it for me for xmas but I don't think I know of any situation where i could rock this. I think it's pretty cool/funny but when would i actually meet a girl wearing a hoodie that's coated with xxx advertisments? or even go to the store and get groceries wearing this? Does anyone else have pieces of clothing they like for the visual aesthetics but would never actually wear in public? Ugly to everyone else but not you It's a "collector" piece of clothing Game killer (as in the case of my hoodie) discuss and post flicks if you have'em
  4. yeah, when i was 19....except in those days we typed out PIC....kids these days and their abbreviations. i mean, we used to type "I am laughing out loud right now! I could even start rolling on the floor in the next minute or two!
  5. Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face? That American Psycho exerpt is disturbing edit: this thread is kinda disturbing
  6. yeah, but if you've been around long enough you know there's a big difference in the smiles you get. When you can tell what kind of smile you're getting, that's when you know when to advance or cut your losses and look somehwere else. Like when I used the crosswalk line on that one girl I got a smile that basically said "ha ha, that's cute!" but nothing more than that...hence me telling said girl "well, have a good one" and moving on. A smile is a definate gateway to getting a number. You get the right smile, it tells you you have been cleared to muster up something to say to get conversation going. There are certainly smiles that a girl can give that communicate that she thinks you're a SMASH!
  7. Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?
  8. Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face? I think every guy has wanted to straight pull a Cro-Mag and smash a girl in the grill at one point or another.
  9. There was this hot girl getting off BART the other day rocking knee high leather boots and I straight up said to her "Excuse, but i just had to tell you those boots look really good on you." And she dug it a lot. I got a big smile for my efforts. I think the really cool thing is walking along and you'll make eye contact and she throws a genuine smile your way first without you having to do anything. This happens to me a lot driving.
  10. Re: hetero man crushes Hetero man crushes.....::speechless:: well, there's a few guys i look up to....but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "crush"...that's just weird.
  11. so basically the technology isn't up to par just yet? See, i keep wanting to get one of tose ipod videos but at the same time i don't want to cash in on something that isn;t perfected yet. What about the battery life on those units? i hear that when you rock the video they (batteries) drain super fast
  12. Am i the only one who finds it to be a whole new dynamic when you see a cute girl in some public place other than a club/bar/party/show, etc... and you make the attempt to socialize with the intention of getting a number or a date going? When you see a bangin' girl waiting for the bus or in line to get food...there's a whole new approach involved. Trying to meet a girl in public is one of the most challenging things for most guys to pull off sometimes. I usually say something goofy or left field to break the ice. I think once my business cards come in that'll allow me to step the game up. The last time I threw down something on a cute girl I was waiting at a crosswalk and i turn to this cute chick and say "So...uh...you cross this street a lot?" She smiles and sez "Only when there aren't any cars coming." I smiled back and left it at that. I dunno, I guess the point of this is to see the approach other people take when they see someone they dig on at random on the street/at the mall/bus stop/etc and act on it rather than going home and thinking "Damn, maybe i shoulda said or done something? Are you just up front? Do you rock a Lens and disarm'em with something witty/humorous? Wait for her to slip and fall and make like the hero? A rag, choloroform and your buddy waiting in the unmarked black van? Share
  13. fuck it, I'll stay .....goddamnit
  14. which one Boxcars? the garfield post seems to sum up the mood pretty well. Why should I even care?
  15. The cheaper the mayo, the deeper the stain. I have never done wrong by Best Foods
  16. it's not that it affects me so much that it gets me worked up......I only care because why bother coming to a place...virtual or real...where you're not welcome? I just want to know if that is the concensus, simple as that. I am just putting it a little more eloquently thatn ABC's "who thinks I'm an asshole" thread of a few months back
  17. Naw, i got a really good sandwich from a deli at lunch today. It was perfect except for the shredded lettuce. When you have hundreds of bits of lettuce bursting from the sandwich with even the most ginger of bites, it doesn;t do much for your work clothes
  18. Edit: well, shit, the poll didn't work My question, to you, 12oz...... would you like to see me dip and never to return or do you think that I should just make an effort not to act like so much of a jerk and think before posting? Yeah, I hear the "Dude, what the fuck do you care....it's 12oz, a internet messageboard for chrissakes" arguement but hey, 12oz is a way for me to while away those periods of time in between work, play and the other things that make up my life. I'd like to go back to contributing rather than detracting. so what do you think? Is it worth it? Is redemption a mouse click away?
  19. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Wow....the AK guys.......I remember Feen....that is 10+ years old school
  20. I being a chill asian fetishist is the way to go. I'd like to thank no one for helping me come to this decision.
  21. man that shit is horrible. Every bite guarantees several shreds greasy with condiments are going to fall onto your lap/clothing. It gets everywhere. There should be laws. It's a deliberate scheme on the part of the dry cleaning industry.
  22. my friend got me this book... My sister got me this one... I love the guy's artwork...... Mainly a lot of work clothes from both my parents. I wanted them to take care of practical considerations leaving me free to spend my paychecks on frivolous stuff
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