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Posts posted by Gunm

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco




    Looks like a pretty good flick to me


    uh, just import it into photo shop and enlarge the sucker


    If Swim In The Bay has a camera of any worth megapixel-wise it shouldn't affect the image quality.


    I don't think anyone is about to vault onto that roof to catch a flick....I sure don't get paid enough to do that kind of thing...my priorities lie in sniffing paint.

  2. Graff is not about picturies on the internet, fuck. its about chance and observation. if you get to see it your lucky. and when your runnin your running not this fake internet runnin shit, posting your own flicks getting fame on the net. people like phunk are suckers wishing they had the balls to do this shit we do. despratly wishing to belong to a sub culture they admire but cought on to late in the game. now with this flicker shit and 12 oz it is an chance to lightweight be a part of the graff game and stay anonymous. that fool is outsider creating hundreds of files on writters all over the bay. The only reason he is making a book on graff is to gain notority and fame in a world which he will never really be a part of. There are good sides to all the documentatioin and bad sides, but this fool is getting out of hand. i wonder what he does for a living? where does he get all the time to flick shit out.... yup yup yup yup, i know he is not a cop. but im sure the police appreciate all the work he does for them. now you dont even need to leave your house to look at graff, just go online. great. that 2006 for you. whatever....



    without people like phunk, this scene wouldn;t have the kind of credit and interest that keeps it alive....the "work" you do would not have meaning, recognition or even attention.


    Why do you "get up" then? oh, right, you're a vandal who does it just for the thrill of destroying shit and wrecking shop huh? Then you should just go out and sling buckets of paint onto the street, bust out some stroefront wiondows, set fire to a library....that's some real vandalism, some real destruction. You mean to tell me you don't get off on it when someone flicks your fill ins and pieces?


    You'rw not apart of some special subculture, you're not this mysterious outsider that stands alone from the rest opf society. To think you're someone different and unique because you go out and write on shit that does not belond to you is a complete and utter joke.


    It's about six years too late for you to complain about people "outside" of the scene that are jockiong and explotiing a so-called movement. You're lucky people like Phunk even give a shit enough about graffiti to document it. Otherwise, your efforts would be like building a fucking sand castle that gets washed away at high tide every day. I bet you don't even have anything to fallback on other than your "graffiti" which is why you feel so threatened by people that take an interest in it.


    Get a grip man. You're not apart of some secret club. You'd have tears running down your face if some hot shot from New York acknowledged you as some artistic genius and wanted to put you in a gallery and have rich ass people scooping up your gear for thousands of dollars. But naw, you're keeping it real right? i mean, shitting on the people that support what you do is the right thing to do in order to cop that all important street cred huh?


    that's it, i'm done.





    then go out and show us what's the real deal....amaze us with some next level character.


    Put your money where you mouth is.

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