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Posts posted by Gunm

  1. the weekend is here for me kids.....time to get drunk get ripped and hopefully get laid...before i go...some random pictures from the past....keep practicing and KEEP YOUR SHIT SIMPLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!







    have a nice weekend children

  2. My boy writes Same and is about 20 times better than you. I suggest you start somewhere else.


    dude, this thread is for BEGINNERS unless you couldn't tell so take a hike.


    ----Headmaster Lens

  3. quadra....sorry, I modified your thing a little to illustrate what i meant....and yes, it's sloppy because i have no patience for Paint.



    I breifly fucked with a few elements to show you where to go from here. Arrows should (or at least i think so) be kept tight to your letters as opposed to extending long ass tail off your letters that end in arrows...that's gay.


    Also, please don't use arrows for the spaces in your letters.

  4. NaZT my main advice would be to make the letters the same width all the way through each letter. do simple stuff...

    LENS in all his godlinesss has said it all. gd job m8!!!


    for a battle on bs..



    Digging this.......we have good color which is complimentary and eye pleasing but not too ambitious. THe letters are all proportioned well, are even at the base and top and are well on their way to going past simple and into the realm of something more stylized. The fishie is simple but unique and fits into the lettering well so as not to overpower nor is it trying too hard to be "graffiti" Good job on your use of light pink and lbue highlights in all the right places. Kudos for not overdoing'em as well.


    You're on the right path duder.




    good job

  5. ay imma toy.. yea not proud of it... just needin some guidance, let me know what yall think.








    let me know what ya think...NAZT-419


    how long have you been doing this? three days right?


    you're trying for wayyyyyy too much for a skill level that is painfully in the beginning stages.


    fancy effects, fillins, 3-d.....all that shit comes later dude. Master your basic simple letters like the rest of these cats THEN try to rock the fancy shit.




    Uhm....no. Look forward to at least a year of sucking ass before pulling off something capable....maybe less if you have some sort of artistic talent.



    and for the last time......this is a thread for TOYS........someone would have to be a complete asshole to come in here and harp on you guys. That's why this thread is here...so beginners don't post their sketches in other threads and get clowned upon. you're on safe ground here. So.....don't say stupid things like "yo, I be a toy yo" or "yeah yeah, these sketches suck ass!"



    be like quadra or vare....take pride in your stuff even though it blows for the time being.

  6. Not a bad effort but if you're going to make two letters connect from such a long distance, you need to be more subtle about it. That big line across the A is about as subtle as throwing your penis onto a girls face and asking for head. If your inention was to incorporate it as apart of your "A", then mission unaccomplished.


    the best thing you've got going is the "S" which although should be more proportional, has some good potential. The left side of the "M"....hmmmmm, that one thing just branches off and ends.....I'll forgive you if you wanna end it in an arrow. Try different placements with the hole in your "O" keep working on your "A"



    edit: this is menat for quadra

  7. here's a simple i did today in school


    the light pencil line running through the letters is the line where i was thinking about adding colors


    how's it look?


    christ, practice doing some basic block letters first duder.....



    just out of curiosity, how old are you?





    P.S. yea this was a drunken 2 minute sketch if it wasnt already obvious. :scrambled: :D



    Alcohol is no excuse...there is no difference between what you do sober and what you do drunk.


    And what did i say about poorly executed characters being as bad as lot's of stars and bubbles? Are you people illterate or something?

  9. I like the KASD in the arrow and the one on the bottom......both are good examples of keeping it simple and gradually tweaking it out.....




    And for christs sake you guys.....stop writing shit like "I SUCK!" or "Please forgive my toy efforts" next to your artwork.....aight?


    Remember, you should practice your characters in step with your letters.....both can be used to real good effect when they are on the same level as one another.

  10. My number one piece of advice to you guys.....don't give up.


    I would love to show you some of my earliest efforts just so that you can see i was once at this stage too......so were all the greats.


    There's a few of you that might be the next Saber, Revok, Totem2, Daim, etc......


    lens has faith in you new jacks.

  11. ^^^


    yesh.......the stars on the outside look decent enough but look at the contrast of those solid black stars to the rest of the pencil grey lines......where do your eyes go first? What gets focused on immediatly?





    yes......the little black stars



    do it over. Get rid of that shit

  12. LENS' date=' i understand completely about simple and stuff and i'm gonna do it, but it just seems so wierd how you do simple and then one day it just picks up and you get the hang of fancy stuff - how do you know when you should change from simple to more wildstyle? how long did you do simple before getting good at the fancy?[/quote']


    that's a tough one...I guess it all really depends on your comfort level with simple letters. I would say that when you are really comfortable with simple letters and you're bored as shit with'em, start tweaking them out little bits at a time....here, lemme show you something.....



    here's an old blackbook page....


    See the simples i have at the top that aren't so simple? Go with little changes to the simplicity without going overboard. It says "Here we go!" but as you can see...."Go" looks like shit because I got cocky. But "Here We....." is a good example of tweaking the simple letters enough so that you begin a progression of sorts.


    And I was always better at doing characters than letters.


    A lot of you are drawing these half assed D&D characters to spice things up. Lemme tell you....a poorly executed character is just as a bad as using way too many bubbles, stars, arrows, etc.......


    As I said before, drawing a big fucked up character next to your letters is saying "Well, my letter forms suck so let's hope this character balances it out....oh, wait, it doesn't, it just makes things look worse"


    Imagine if you had a really bad outfit on for the night and you wanted to draw attention away from that by having a girl with you....but said girl is ugly as fuck so it just makes your outfit look even worse. My letters on a whole aren't terrible but not great either. My strength lies in the characters I can bust out

  13. I don't claim to be the best but lemme show you guys something....


    Okay, I have used bubbles in this piece to the extent where they are on the fringes and therefore accent the damn thing. My character is proportional to the letters....i.e. it doesn't overshadow them. Lastly i don't go overboard with the outline. The tops and bottoms of the letters are more or less in line with one another. My handstyle was awful at the time so i didn't even bother putting one down.


    Remember....less is more.

  14. ^^^


    Did you have to tell me that twice?


    Duder, you left yourself open to that one....ya dig?



    For the rest of you....I did the exact same things when i started....I saw all that crazy TKO/MSK/AWR etc etc etc and I thought "Damn, i wanna be on that level...NOW!" and attempted things that were way beyond my skill level. Don't try and be a king right off the bat.....I am betting most of you are 16-17 and still in high school.....don't worry, you've got years to practice and get good. Shit, i wish i could show you some stuff from 9-10 years ago compared to what i have now. I was in the same place. So don't get discouraed, keep practiging, master your basic letters and then get crazy



    Hybrid.....I can tell you're trying to make a move to something fancier and it's not bad but I can tell it's still pretty shaky. The lines lack confidence but that's to be expected. Ditch that oval looking thing behid the letters. That's overcompensating through use of fancy effects which draws attention to one's inexperience. Also, don't bother with a copyright emblem...you don't need to worry about someone stealing your idea.


    And don't bother putting your handstyle on there if you're not comfortable with it. Doing it all small makes it look A)crappy and B)Tells me you're not proud of it so you keep it small in the hope we're just going to look at your letters......which incidently draws my eyes to the damn thing in the first place.

  15. people talk mad shit and nitpick the fuck outta you on Paper Chase,

    but even the sloppiest pieces ever get props in other threads just cuz they are painted.

    dont get me wrong, all the advice i have received is very helpful and i appreciate it...

    ... and im definitely working on my simples for a while before i try to fuck with any crazy shit.

    im just saying its kind of ridiculous how everything gets nitpicked when its on paper.

    does anyone get my point or am i just gonna get more shit-talk :spin: :tongue:


    you're forgetting young one that paper is the genesis point for many amazing pieces painted on walls.


    If we can see that something blows on paper, it will sure as shit blow even more when it is painted on a wall. If it's dope on paper, then usually it should do good on a wall even though i have seen people that can rock a black book but can't paint to save their life.


    I dunno what pieces you're talking about (show me an an example of a "sloppy piece") but if i see something awful, i call the person on it.


    Usually when yo get really good, you can paint something horrible and people will still commend it because the person has a reputation for being good and thus crappy work can slide. If you have style, it shows through anything....someone like revok could paint something crap but it would still look good because, well, it's revok duder





    hope this made sense



    keep practicing. It took me years to get good

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