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Everything posted by ODS-1

  1. I think it's blatantly obvious Omen Two knows his shit. So don't dis the guy after he just gave out like all of his ink recipes to you unappreciative bastards. Thank you Omen Two.
  2. I don'tknow, I wanted to try something new. So do the eraser nibs work better for those griffin mops?
  3. What's a sure way to seal the bottom to the chapstick mops? Anyway, I made a kiwi with an eraser nib, and once I tried to put the nib in like an upside down U, and it ended up getting pushed into the mop and I couldn't get it out. The second time I put it in like a U, and The same thing started to happen. Should I just glue the nib in and then pry it off when I want to refill it? I even put a second strip of eraser inside the U shape, and same thing, except this time it was too thick and the krink wouldn't flow well. I need to know my mop is going to be there for me. Help me.
  4. Be very careful with this one. Take the eraser nib thing in a kiwi filled with black griffin, the mop will be so juiced that it will literally leak everywhere. Even on your nice new trousers.
  5. I'm sorry but those "PEAS" stickers are kinda wack. Mostly the first one.
  6. Yeah, I had to drive like half way across town but I finally got the same ones you linked to. But OMEN, I did that little nib thing with the eraser and the kiwi, and when I finished my tag thenib got pushed into the mop. Now I did some tags without anything in the nib (To get a feel for it, sounds toy I know, but it was at my house), and it didn't happen. I guess the krink lubed up the nib and it slipped. But how can you prevent that and keep your mop refillable? Thanks for all your help.
  7. No I didn't go to office depot or staples, I went to some shitty little local business...Just trying to help em out eh.
  8. I have a bit of a problem with my homemade krink. What I did was take a griffin bottle, with a little bit of residual griffin white, whch I didn't wash out. I mixed bucket rusto silver with mineral spirits. Then I hit up a tag with the dabber and it wasn't opaque at all. Could it have been that before I started I I just shook the paint instead of stirring? It wasn't that much. AND ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING! I can't find those chalkboard erasers anyware. all I can find is the dry erasers. which are cloth and like a sponge and won't make nibs. What are some chain stores that carry chalkboard erasers? I live in Kentucky and tried some office supply store.
  9. Hey Omen on the eraser thing, How do you keep the nib saturated without some sort of valve system in your mop? And must you superglue it to the mop?
  10. I haven't really seen garvey too many places. I guess I should order from more than one place then.
  11. Open up a mop and take out the little green thing under the nib. Extra Drippy.:yum:
  12. ODS-1

    Wash DC

    Everyone in DC writes the same go damn style as everyone else in D.C. I mean the D.C style isn't bad, but I mean get creative people. That OVER shit is okay, only about 2 of those flicks actually showed up.
  13. ODS-1

    Wash DC

    Re: WTF? I'm sure the cops said they would give him a bunch of money if he did that. Or he is a cop. I guess he's gonna be bacon soon.
  14. ODS-1

    Wash DC

    Fuck off and fuck stupid D.C with it's capitol and phallus shaped statue.
  15. As much as it sucks for bums and homeless peeps, beware. You don't want to get poked by some hepatitus knife that he poked himself with the night before.
  16. ODS-1

    Wash DC

    K.Y. kids paint better than some of those D.C. kids. Spok's bombs are are fuzzy. WTF?
  17. ODS-1

    Wash DC

    Dc has the illest bombing style ever. Anyone got some Xrae pictures? He's pretty dope. Whatabout Kong?
  18. Those homie things are dope. Cant ever get the spray paint one.
  19. griffin sucks balls for markers. It's good for a few bold tags but then the ink starts to get thin. Never put shoe polish in a marker.
  20. Just so you know the ink in the aerosol art markers suck dick. It's all thin. Refill it with your own ink.
  21. Re: quick eazy 3in drippy mop Wouldn't you need to put the top back on? :lol: lol1!
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