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Posts posted by Telo

  1. Serum.. Surprisingly i do agree with you on some level. As far as Light beers go, Michelob Light probably is the one od the best on the market. Labatt light as well.. Im pissed that in my day of errand running i didnt make it to the "fine brew mart".. My fridge has nothing but one Sam.. Im disappointed.

  2. Am i correct in saying that this has been going on for years? North Korea dances around the fact of opening up a bit and having more involvement in six party talks etc, but always returns to their secretive state?


    Granted i dont know if they have a certain agenda behind doing this but it seems to be a just a cyclical scenario that we go through all the time.

  3. Serum.. You have to be kidding me. That jacks pumpkin spice is absolutely TERRIBLE..


    Same with the Shock top. Shock top and Summer Shandy should be designated as beers you drink in "last resort" circumstances.


    I know alot of people on here are familiar with The Bells Brewery and their hit beer Oberon but a few months back i paid a visit to the Bells Brewery as i hadnt been there in a few years. I get in and they have something on tap called Uberon. This was in fact an Oberon that had been barrel aged with an abv of 10%. I promptly ordered one it hit me like a freight train. First, i had one glass and that was about as much as i needed for the next 6 months. Second, it had an overwhelming bourbon taste (naturally, with similar fermentation processes) but still kept its wheatey feel.


    overall, it was terrible and id never drink another one but it was an experience..


    PS. Dont bother trying to get it, they made one batch for brewery release and that was it.



    And Mr Chup. I can cosign on that Ruination IPA. Unlike you i am a fan of IPA's (to some extent) and would place that in one of my top 3 slots.

  4. Yeah i didnt really understand how it were to work out.. Now granted I understand that the entire country essentially lacks internet access but is it possible for Kim Jung Il and co. to access internet in his home and other govt buildings?

  5. And we arent talking about about strategic location here. We are talking about the threat of nuclear weapons. I understand the country as a whole has no redeeming value at all. I read.. i understand.


    And before you get into it.. im using "a threat of nuclear weapons" very loosely here


    The U.S. is not looking for resources or some type of investment, they are simply trying to sideline a politically charged dictator/family that doesnt seem to be going away anytime soon..

  6. ....ok, maybe an attack on Syria is quite possible, but that's because it is strategically important


    This is interesting but for a different conversation altogether.

  7. Well the point he was trying to make was that a war on America would be seen much as war on the west.


    Yes Britain is not Japan, SK, Russian Fed, or China but much of the population see that nearly all of the West, the 6 party nations, and most economically stable (generally speaking) countries are not happy with and have never been happy with the actions taken by Kim Jung Il and his elite.

  8. All good brother..


    On a separate note, how are your feelings on Kim Jung Un? Should we expect more openness or the same closed off touch and go country we've come to know?

  9. Sorry Christo if i made you mad for any reason. You seem somewhat upset givin the red text and all.


    All that info was based on what Ive read over the past few years and in the context of "IMO".. I realize you know much more than I about the situation due to whatever reason but dont want an argument here. Would actually like to know more.



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