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Posts posted by anonymity1

  1. Originally posted by D!M$ uNo FDC

    Q-Bans Kick ASS

    You know this! I visited some familia up in Miami last summer, there's mad honeys down there. I was trying to hook up with someone to paint, but no one likes me i suppose.
  2. Originally posted by dogface

    he told my friend to come to sf with him and then made him sleep under a car in his dads driveway cause my friend had locks. pretty weak. they were good friends. he also ruined the qwel show. yeah.

    Man, that sucks. Was that a racist thing or was it cause he thought dreads were dirty.
  3. I wasn't in the battle, I just felt like getting off my lazy ass and doing a sketch of a new word. So I dont even know what this battle thread is all about, because I have not read the begining of it. You dont have to vote for me, I just realized I need to sketch more, and the battle is just a way to get me to do something productive

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