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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. im fully aware you moron. so i was just wondering how long it took each person to do a sticker.
  2. how long does it take most you cats to do your stickers?
  3. i dont think so because he said he only has one green color prisma marker and thats it. But if he did, yes, it is improved
  4. those zone stickers are fresh as fuck, damn, i wanna trade with him
  5. im not down to battle, but i think the word that should be used it verse, thats pretty original
  6. i must say its nice to see that someone on here does blow up and get mad at everything
  7. shit man, whats goin on there casekonly? whose is taht?
  8. this is one for parks http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00387359f00000007.jpg'>
  9. new ones i did in class today http://www.photobucket.com/albums/1003/thugmonster/5739a508.jpg'>
  10. soler, hit me up on aim: Pleesedontimme
  11. im workin on some new ones, ill post them later tonight, nothing special
  12. shut the hell up toad shut the hell up toad and post better than kast, most of his shit is ill, minus that
  13. maybe you guys should have a battle where you guys sketch a nice castle
  14. http://www.photobucket.com/albums/1003/thugmonster/df2efaf2.jpg'> new ones i sent out the best part is that i took that picture in the middle of the pharmacy at work, we were so damn slow
  15. this new mess kills it kids, i really like it, really like it
  16. that toilet thing is cool
  17. no the world needs 3 more speks, so it makes a cool shape or connect the dot
  18. any one wanna trade hit me up on aim Pleesedontimme, or Thamattressking
  19. my first stickers, tell me wht you think entr http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00387359f00000001.jpg'> enter http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00387359f00000002.jpg'> enter http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00387359f00000003.jpg'> klue http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00387359f00000004.jpg'> enter http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00387359f00000005.jpg'>
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