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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. yeah, the only good argument is over, now quit it. Seeking/hecz, delete all your shit, it ruined the thread, eh, dont really delete, aim====thamattressking
  2. <span style='color:sandybrown'>Has anyone noticed that we are de-evolving? Let me explain. Cave-men were the first man. It is believed that they made communications through a series of grunts, moans, and body language. Later, as people began to evolve, they formed many languages, and the intricacies of these languages are incomprehensible. Not one person could learn them all. Now, even later, people began to build on those languages, making them into languages that people cannot read now, such as Shakespeare. Now, in present time, people have gone to diminish the language. Just in my time, we have gone from "What you feeling up to" to "Whatya up to" to "Whats up?" to "Sup?" to "Su?". If this is how much we have degraded in our language in just my time, whats next? Will we as a human race go back to the same grunts, moans, and body language that the cave-men used so long ago?</span>
  3. i wasent exactly callin you KING ANSIQ or nothing, but you do rock pretty hard from what i understand and all, i mean, you arent a perfect writer or nothing, but you do get up a bunch, have good styles and what not, thats prettty dope
  4. yeah, well, its more like 420198 votes
  5. yeah, its cool if you get down f4ntom
  6. fishy, i am challenging you to another battle, word,,,retain,,,,,colored fill cuz my markers are low, make sure it says *edit, ill tell ya right before its posted* on it so we know you did it
  7. not tryin to suck up er nothing, but if anyone on here is close, its you
  8. one, its they're, not there, 2, shut the fuck up, you talk to much shit for skills you dont have...that primal, highly doubt you did it, you just a fuckin bitch...
  9. yo killa, would you hit my passaround? hit me up on aim,,,,,Thamattressking
  10. nevr, we need to get a trade or a purchase going on, i love your shit....
  11. http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/3646bc96.jpg'> new sketch....and hecz, that 3d fill is dope dope dope
  12. shit fills up and what not, i hated it, so i never used it again.
  13. yeah, shit was terrible, it sucked ass hole
  14. http://img20.photobucket.com/albums/v59/dekae7175/CANVAS/109-0961_IMG.jpg'> the cabinets are cool, but this one is hot
  15. there needs to be some kind of rule that before you enter a battle, you vote....
  16. some i like, some i dont
  17. yeah, well, i feel like those are dope bob, yours are always fresh but the same thing, if that makes sense, apoc, crushin still
  18. damn, lookin good kids. lookin good....
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