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Everything posted by firsttake

  1. kidster, what kind of markers do you use on that shit?
  2. i defitnally agree with the fact that many of these pictures look good and that they are intresting. i believe that a picture is to convey certin emotions and occurence in a fixed period of time, even if it is a prolonged exposure..heh... anyways, i'm not questioning the validity of any of the work, i'm just saying that a lot of the things ive been seeing seem repetitive and that the same goes for the majority of photography for the last few years. i'm sure if i looked harder i'd find tons of experimental and new ideas, but it seems i'm just subjected to look at majorly what someone says is good now. just thoughts, i'm by no means trying to single out or insult anyone. through the posts ive looked at i really like a good amount of the work. keep posting.
  3. ive been reading a lot of photography books, especially thoes of certin photographers work, cartier-bresson, tress etc. i read an article from cartier-bresson talking about how he dosent even consider photography an artisticly relavent medium and how he just does a lot of sketching now. being one of the more influential "artists" to me, Ive been forced to contimplate this opinion of his. not photography being accepted with painters and sculptures and the rest of the accepted 'art world' but it as a medium to actually convey feeling. i look at a lot of the stuff on this post and some i really like but a portion of it seems to be the same things i see happening in modern photography, just copied ideas on a different setting. well, i'd like to see other peoples opinions on all this shit i just discussed with myself, if anyone finds time to read it...
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