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Posts posted by amprok

  1. sure and faust have the best hand styles in nyc. it's sad now watching his stickers age, knowing they wont be replaced. you seriously can't walk 30 feet in midtown without seeing a bunch of sure stickers.

  2. when i was 16, i worked at taco bell. (classy!)


    i'm not sure which i hated more. the middle aged white liberal who would try to order in broken, over exaggerated spanish, or the dumb fuck rednecks who would non ironically pronounce quesadillas "kwuh-suh-dilly-ohs"

  3. Child porn is a complete red herring argument by the government. Like someone else mentioned above, it's next to impossible to quantify things like child porn and child porn prosecution. It's not like there is an open market of child porn floating around. Shits already beyond under the radar.


    These proposed laws are about file sharing, nothing more. They throw in things like child porn, and drugs, what have you, to make it seem like they are all the same. They are not. (obviously).


    They share the commonality of being illegal, but that's about it. Nobody, minus perhaps the ultra fringes of society, support any leniency for child porn. Most americans support some criminalization of drugs.


    It's a smart move by the government really. Take two common villains (child porn, drugs), lump them in kids downloading music, and you can potentially glean a lot support from people who want to stop obvious evil shit like child porn.


    Even thought sopa and whatever the governments second swing was, are dead in the water, i really doubt we're going to see these kinds of attempts go away any time soon. As long as people like the Motion Picture Association and the Recording Industry Association of America continue to fist fight the internet, these laws are going to get lobbied in every year or so for the indefinite future.

  4. i like euro paint, and can afford it. why would i want to rock krylon with female tips or wonky adapters. fuck that.


    i worked hard to get where i am.


    i just want to chill and paint now.

  5. yeah, but then all the moderate right to far right start getting all butt hurt and think we're going commie.


    i would love an increase in taxes and free health care for all, but americans are way too dumb to ever do that.


    mandated private insurance would lower the rates, which would be great. not totally unlike car insurance (which i guess you could opt not to drive to avoid paying, can't really do it in this case with health care).



    at the end of the day, there are enough things i like about the bill to keep me supporting it. in my opinion, the lack of a real public option is glaring, and the fact that it doesn't take over insurance companies entirely are it's two biggest faults.


    i haven't read the whole thing, or really any of it. im basing my opinion from what i've heard from both sides of the aisle. i mean, that's what we pay them to do, representative democracy vs direct democracy and all.

  6. Thanks dude. do you have any links to the legal walls, or know anything how they are set up?


    I just want to chill with my family and paint. Are they crew walls, or just show-up-and-paint walls?


    Feel free to pm me if you like.

  7. so...


    i just accepted a dream job that would mean relocating from the nyc area to the kansas city area.


    i checked out the missouri graffiti thread and there looks like there are some things happening there, which is a relief.


    anyone have any protips about kansas city?


    shit to do. legal walls. places to buy higher end paint. music, etc. i know nothing about the midwest.

  8. the only reason i wanna read that book is because i like the cromags. other than that john joseph doesn't even look to be in that good of shape. typical vegan flab


    dude is certainly not in the best shape in the world...but if i look like this when im in my 50's and have the ability to ride my bike over 100 miles on a weekly basis.... i'll be pretty okay with that.



  9. This thread makes my brain hurt. How is this even an issue today? It's 2012... jesus christ...


    When I was in grade school, we learned about other cultures, we learned about other types of people, and we learned about, well, you know, social issues. (civil rights movement, suffrage, shit like that).


    I think a school should teach academics, certainly. But a large part, perhaps the most important part, is to learn about the world around you. social skills, how to interact.


    kids will grow up, and have to interact with all types of people from all types of socio-economic startas, ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations.


    being aware that differences exist will help straight, sheltered kids interact appropriately to people outside their norm.


    being aware that differences exist will help queer kids know there is nothing wrong with them.


    it's a win win situation.

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