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Everything posted by QueaZyFunK

  1. and what the fuck makes a bitch think that they will actually find someone that likes to watch home and garden, or go pick out curtains, or have a picnic, or talk about things after sex. i dont want to talk. i want to go to sleep, or drink beer, or write graffitti or watch TV or just enjoy the moment of clarity that i receive after having an orgasm. i have accepted that i will never find someone that likes seinfeld and the wu tang clan. what happened to the good old days when women accepts who the guy is and stays with him because he likes his dick in her ass. the problem is is there are too many hippies today. its a hippie society and everyone wants to be in love. there is no such thing as love between a man and a woomen its cold hornyness.
  2. the fucked up thing today is that everyone wants to be in a relationship and start families and get married before they are even 21. Also women seem to think that a relationship is built on things other things than sex. but its not. I like to chill with my boys because its fun, i can tlak shit, fart, act like an asshole, and just be my everyday grimey self. the only reason want to hang out with a girl is to bone her. i mean we all have friends that we love to be around be we dont mess around with them because thats not what they are there for. thats what a relationship is for. sex.
  3. hot shit. im gonna have to get down on this. ill have mine by tommorow.
  4. i love beer and socks and peanuts, but not as much as beer
  5. I doubt that the vandal squad is going to trace you through the internet. but you never know. so you just got to be careful. just make sure you cant be linked to who you really are. for instance i have an email account online with a fake name and address and all that shit that i only use for sites like this and porn. just things like that. you have to just build yourself a line between what you write and your secret identity. just make sure nothing coincides with one another. then your all set you you can say all the bull shit you want online. also if it still sketches you out just dont write your name for the battle, make up one
  6. yea thats good but you need to gank yourself some markers
  7. STATE YOUR NAME YUPIE If you win you get 5mins of "ALONE" :love2: time
  8. what you get to do is get them all together and be like, hey girls you know whats fun. Ill give you a hint it begins with a T and ends with RAINS.
  9. Its about that time of year where its gets a bit chilly in Boston. So here is a place where it stays warm and we can still rock out.
  10. I'm down for this one. Anyone else? Write what you write. sarchicha v.s yellowfeets v.s ?????????????????????? Quoted post HEMP Quoted post [/b] EAZY
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