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Everything posted by alure

  1. ughhh my mom fucking drives me nuts shes a complusive obessive cleaner and just because she thinks she has to be cleaning constantly ..she thinks i do too.. i'm going nuts i want to bash in someones face ughhhhhhh p.s. i'm joining the airforce in the summer
  2. uh..4 more pages of reading b.s. i'm tempted not to read it..but then that would be starting my semester off bad haha...;/ i have to wake up early..waking up early is my fucking enemy.. but i hope i meet people in school;] since i'm a loser that can never go out... and i just work with a bunch of old fat women!
  3. i'm in a weird mood.. i need to hibernate.. i need to go before i go start getting emo.. goodnight;/
  4. i plan to look that hot one day..didnt you know??
  5. Re: the almighty alien night owl steps into the realm of his creation to say wonka;] aw.. haha what up?? i think i'm so desperate i'm gonna drink some beers by myself..someone wanna drink with me?? fantom..yeah they are crying about it right now "we want our beemer back" i'm like.. uh..i thought you were trying to save money..like at least 200 dollars less?? he tells me "yeah..i was..but once your drive a luxery car..you dont ever want to get less than that" cloner.. eh it aint that bad.. i've just been snacking alot every time i get a craving for a cigg.. so i might gain a few pounds..but that wont hurt me..haha
  6. mmm vicoden.. of course i dont do that anymore tho;] damn i want a bike.. i would love to learn how to do tricks on it..although i'd probally lose my face from sliding it on the concrete trying to learn how to pop a front wheelie haha..um.no.. so my parents went and looked at another car..because they said the payments were to high..since me and machai moved in..had a 6 series 2004 beemer.. so they get a fucking audi..which is just as expensive... fucking weirdos..yeah thats gonna save you alot of money.. i started school yay! I havent gone to my computer class yet but i'm excited.. i hope i like it. c+ programming anyone taken it?? When i get all the core classes done and can start doing my computer classes and art classes..i'll be stoked.. its been.. 2 weeks since i've had a ciggerate..i thought it had been longer but my friend informed me it hadnt been that long.. ahha
  7. fantom..your a lil shithead..do you bash out mailboxes on halloween too??? haha.. someone fucking did that shit to my mailbox when i was pregnant..the pole was bashed to the ground..i'm trying to pull it back up.. it was funny.. but my friend had to do it for me... OHH if i ever caught machai doing shit like that... he'd catch an ass whooping and a backhand.. anyway.. fantom thanks for my pics back and the stickers and letter;] made my day!! thanks
  8. tsk tsk..you fucking bullys need an ass whopping
  9. haha vinyl..well thats good.. hahahaha..you drunkard;] i wanna get it on in the bathroom..i dont know why i think thats hot..
  10. yeah i'm always smoothering him with hugs and kisses.. haha .thanks;] and he's wearing a wifebeater haha..out of all his clothing..thats my favorite haha..
  11. haha i broke a heineken bottle on some girls face;] i had to bang it against her face acouple of times..but it worked;]
  12. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v344/missalure/hijo.jpg'>
  13. I wanted a black one;[ but i ddint get it..i actually got hte last one in my area..well an 04.. she had it shipped from somewhere else.. for someone else to testdrive and i had called in 15 mins after it got there..wondering if they had one... yeah i got a manuel its not a racecar but it picks up pretty decently..i dont need a fast car..i had alot of tickets when i had one;/
  14. you keep going at that rate your dick is gonna fall off!! you better be wrapping that shit up!!
  15. its blue.. i like it;] krie..yeah i would love to own an evo also..it would still be 4 door and i could fit machai in it.. however.i dont think i'll be owning one of those anytime soon..come on now..single mom..young.. going to school.. i have bigger prorieties then paying for a 30,000+ car..haha
  16. BLEH...CAR INSURANCE IS SO HIGH FOR ME.. fucking almost $400 a month..for just an economical 4 door car...;[[[[[[[[[[[ i tried progressive and geico...
  17. yeah.. me too...me too... but everyone at work has just figured out to leave me alone..cause they can see it written all over my face... and i tried to quit smokign today..but i dont think thats a very good idea..
  18. hah thanks. i just dont want be at work right now..i have so much other shit running through my head and i gotta deal with these fuckign customers.. i just want to crawl into a hole with machai and not come out
  19. being mean to him doesnt work..he's a pussy..and cries to everyone that i'm mean to him..and then he says he is too afraid to call..and everyone thinks its oka for him not to do anything..cause i'm beinga bitch..its lame.. and i've threatened him numerous times he just cries..and nothing happens.. p.s. since i'm on a roll.. i went and got custody papers at the court house..and they tell me i have to pay $105 dollars and $35 more dollars if i want a sheriff to present it to him..i'm thinking why dont you have a little check box that says "let deadbeat father pay for fine..since mother has bills to pay and a child expenses to take care of because the father doesnt"
  20. but speaking of him..if you run into him..tell him i need him to do me a favor ..next time he's out in that area..something he's always wanted to do..but i wouldnt let him or any of the boys..if ya know what i mean..
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