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Everything posted by alure

  1. yeah they do. we saw a rednose pit wandering the streets in las vegas and tried catching it iwanted it..but animal control came and got it. I want an all grey female pit with yellow eyes..
  2. *yawn* just woke up from a nap..bleh ..hi
  3. well goodmorning dirty...s'all good im a mean mofo when i have to wake up early.. i dont talk for like the first 2 hours. heh
  4. Re: we do great crop circles in hawaii oh baby..you got what i need;D haha
  5. oh baby you... you got what i need...but you say he's just a friend but you say he's just a friend
  6. ..actually i'm a whole lotta woman ;D .... wait i dont mean in pounds haha
  7. i'm abou tto pissss my pantss.s.. .i had to go pee and was about to go in there and my friend is in the shower ahhhh fsalkdjfdfsaf
  8. pistol ;] you know where i wanna see you at!
  9. right on. yeah i just ate meatloaf and mashpotatos it was my dinner time ;D
  10. if ya got aol im hit me up herbnbass i'm just flipping through chans trying to find something to watch.. i've been sitting on my ass way to long.
  11. hehe..yeah i was thinking the same thing.. its great;D When: what are you doinnnnn
  12. no way..i promise..i just stayup until 7..and sleep until 4 ;]
  13. haha some guy told me that too as soon as he talked to me when i got out of jail.. i told him "what.. a turkey??" i love your ma too shes down as fuck . i'mmmmmmmmm boreeeeeeeeeeeddd i'm awakeeeeeeeeeee
  14. gnite ragsonardo dipcaprio sweet dreams ;]
  15. i've passed out in the lawn before.. woke up to being called the dead girl with everyone surronding me, they were all sitting in lawnchairs drinking 40's haha.. ghettttttooo
  16. it was an observation.. a "like whoa" kinda thing..
  17. hahah always coming back to my house faded cooking shit ;D
  18. i leave for like 5 mins..and then there are 10 posts..weird
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