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Everything posted by angelofdeath

  1. i dont think you can go wrong with a 22, 21, or a 23 or even the smaller models if you mostly carry concealed. i sort of pick the 23 because its big enough to easily handle, but small enough to carry concealed with ease. if given a choice though, i'd personally go .45 not because im against .40 but because i have atleast 5K rounds of .45
  2. i'd rather have the single stack 1911 than a high cap 9mm glock. i prefer stopping power and that is why i only like handguns in a caliber that starts with a "4" not to sound gruesome, but the only reason Rep Giffords is alive (and thankfully so) is because she was shot with a 9mm. but arguing about handguns is pretty insignificant to me. they are what they are. side arms. the last resort. you GET caught in a fight with a handgun, you GO to a fight with a rifle.
  3. 1911's are a little more technical and finicky... glock is point and shoot. both are good as long as the 1911 is a good brand unless you are a .45 fan, probably the best all around reliable handgun is a glock 23 for most people. 1911 fans hate the 'no safety' of a glock and the hard trigger pull. glock fans hate the safety on 1911's and dwell on reliability issues. i like both types personally
  4. yeah... arent those polytech m14's with the forged receivers uber cheap up there??
  5. ah canada. no more explanation needed
  6. yeah i've never heard of a judge having to sign off on a gun purchase. i've heard of some sheriff's having to issue a purchase permit for pistols and of course the FOID cards, but never this. i guess lots of localities have their own 'ideas'
  7. you can get a bow set up pretty cheap. in fact i've collected 3 super nice compound bows from friends/famiy that either lost interest in them or ran out of room to store the thing. im sort of with you on the 'if you want to shoot just shoot instead of going with a bow' but if you live in an urban area one of the hardest and most inconvenient thing to do is find somewhere to shoot. you usually have to deal with stupid indoor ranges that suck where you can only punch paper. to get to a real range you have to devote alot of time and/or money into a gun club unless you are real lucky and if you dont know anyone already in the game its 3 times as hard. you can also try to shoot on public land but most of the time state parks ban target shooting, many if not most national forests frown on it if they havent out right banned it, and then you gotta deal with some hippy flipping out if they see you with a gun while they are out hiking while your shooting. not to mention you usually have to drive 1-2 hours out of the city to get to a shooting spot. and if you are a kid, and your parents work alot or have no interest in shooting, you are fucked. which is why a bow might be a good starting point and will allow atleast some sort of marksmanship practice
  8. word im not saying they dont hire SF type operators anymore, im just saying that its not exclusive like it used to be. they are hiring regular army, etc now.
  9. i dont doubt that the pistol is rocking, but its pretty much contractor propaganda these days to say that blackwater dudes are the best of the best from around the world. it was originally the idea, but due to the high demand they are no longer hiring just 'the best' anymore.
  11. its more like the core kos train dudes doing 500-1600 A PEICE during that time.
  12. dang. puked doing PULL THROUGHS?!?!?! what happens when you dead lift for a 1RM? hahaha
  13. i shoot only US mil surp full metal jackets out of my 1911. federal gold medal match, corbon or black hills out of precision guns, xm155 or m855 for AR's/.223 weapons, mil surp 308 / m80 or equivalent for battle rifles.
  14. whats that a 20mm? i saw one at the SAR show a few years back
  15. i think any hi cap 'clip' is gonna be worth their weight in gold in the years to come. any one with a couple crates of ar15, m14, fal, glock, ak mags is gonna be a rich mofo when they finally get banned completely.
  16. better stock up on full capacity mags, while you can
  17. ^^^ explained pretty good. this progression as well as a few others, like the west side progression will make your strength go up. guaranteed. if you think your form is off, make a vid and post it here or on a forum and have people critique it. you can have your lifts go up by 10-50lbs just simply changing your form. even dumb things like foot position in the bench, width of stance in the squat, blowing your abs out against your belt, etc all make a big difference when doing these moves for strength.
  18. how long of a break? weird thing for me is whenever i take a week or 10 day break from the gym, next week i go in, i im pushing more weight on the squat.
  19. clip? i believe the term you are looking for is magazine.
  20. indeed its against craigslist policy to list firearms for sale on their site. however many people do it. especially if you use industry names or complex model names to describe the weapon and dont mention things like gun, 'clip' firearm, pistol, rifle, shotgun, etc. for instance if you list a 'GAP crusader' no craigslist moderator is gonna know what that is.
  21. "My other question is how the "private sales" law works, and how regular transfers at a gun show work.. If the show is in MA and i'm from out of state, do I still have to ship to my states FFL? What if there is a licensed FFL holder from my state at the show?" in general, if the LONG GUN (rifle, shotgun ) is legal in your place of residence and you are in a neighboring state, you can cash and carry and carry the gun home from a dealer. if you are buying a handgun from a neighboring state, even though said gun is legal in your state, you must have it shipped to an FFL. in theory this applies to all 50 states, however many FFL dealer's consider it a liability to sell outside of a neighboring state due to ATF harassment. remember these are the guys that can shut down an entire business because you didnt cross a T or wrote a 7 instead of a 1. private sales, that is non dealer to non dealer transfers, are legal as long as the firearm is legal in the state and the sale is INTRAstate, not interstate. each state has its own requirements on private sales as far as record keeping, etc. some states allow semi autos to be sold privately, others require registration and FFL transfers, etc. it is 100% illegal to buy from a private seller in a different state, a firearm, any firearm, and transport it over state lines to your state. this is the most easily targeted offense by under cover ATF at gun shows. believe me, they are there. if anyone tries to sell you a private sale gun that is illegal or will continue the transaction if you show your out of state ID, (if required by law) drop the sale and GTFO, its 99% under cover fed. if you have balls make a scene accusing him of being a fed and report the incident to the LOCAL law enforcement at the show, as the most likely will be. if you have out of state tags at a gun show, you will be targeted. park very far away and dont break the law. if your licensed FFL from your state is in MA, im not 100% positive, but im pretty sure you can purchase said weapon but you cannot take possession until you are at the brick and mortar store in your home state of said dealer.
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