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Everything posted by STYLEISKING

  1. magoo2 pull by doc leave the semi standard pieces away from this thread,only burners and style!
  2. bates and side 1987 bates gold piece 1987 code agents by great and bates 1987 smurf,note the black bates tag in the right corner 1986 jap,note the orange bates tags on top of the piece...1987
  3. http://www.imdb.com/ this is a good site for searching on movies
  4. more info on the write 4 gold battle event on http://www.write4gold.info
  5. write4gold finals 2005 winner france!
  6. bas 2(berlin) kacao77 and bates at splash festival germany 2005
  7. this was worth watching....little dark but nice small stories..
  8. nice to these guys united on the same wall BURNING! lets see the rest....
  9. many good model trains painted here: http://www.90bpm.net/graffiti/galerie/php/...bpage=1&lang=fr
  10. Revok's Bates sketch was done in the hall of fame at the harbor in Copenhagen Denmark, Summer 2005! Since I received the outline sketch by email, I just waited for the right moment to blast it.. I didn't have the best print out, so I kinda had to take it as a challenge. and work it out on the wall. I wanted the colors to burn and come correct, and I tried to stick to the proportions of the letter structure. Even though,it's hard when you don't know the person behind the style and how he goes about executing his pieces. I had to follow everything on the paper and gave it the touch of a steady Bates hand. I am sure I'll fool the enemy, into believing its actually done by Revok, I hope he's happy with the results... http://www.jerseyjoeart.com the exchange project
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