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Everything posted by effyoo

  1. ^^BEST POST EVER! ^^ It represents what 12 oz. is and what 12 oz. strives to be.
  2. alcohol? ALCOHOL? fuck hten i'm a nightowl....lol :dazed
  3. I think he said that in some thread along time ago..... the ".... " should make you think back like a dream sequence in a movie....
  4. See, people like to have a drink... it'll help you relax...
  5. Says the guy who is posting more than soctares.
  6. Who says i'm trying to be funny, "I'm just here to make friends".
  7. not a night owl, but nothing is new.... drinks...ummm.... comp....ummm... drinks
  8. shit i didn't wnat to erase that , just edit it...
  9. Re: Binoculars I agree, I bought a car for the first time a few months ago because before I never had any use. I always have lived in a neighbourhood where things were within a short walk. But now that I live in the suburbs, just walking to the store comes with a stare from every yuppie in their suv wondering who that guy is, and why is he wandering around my neighbourhood. The only time you will see someone walking around is ... wait halloween just passed, thats the busiest i've seen the neighbourhood in a year. People even drive to take their dog for a walk. To go to the store. To get their mail. Point is, you can't walk around without being suspect nowadays. That is all.
  10. I think Mr. ABC is drinking too much coffee
  11. ^^^i saw that one today as a matter of fact
  12. Things just have a way of working out, don't they? Thanks for the reply, Kabar. The part about Priscilla Andersen will strike a chord with my girl (she recently returned to school to take nursing).
  13. Re: One of My Orignial Threads even though I realistically never see myself hopping, I very much enjoy the well thought out and interesting posts, Kabar. You are letting people see a side of life that otherwise they would not see and making people more aware of their actions by stressing the ways you believe things should be done. Now a question. If you could change one decision in your life that you made, what would it be? I was going ask what the best decision you ever made was, but that seems like the answer would be obvious. Ok, anyhow, thatnks for the great posts..... keep them coming.
  14. i'm just glad you didn't call me a fuckhead
  15. i am now offically super greg's number one fan
  16. http://http://www.ac-reunion.fr/pedagogie/cotamarp/eleve/perso0001/cedric/images/rottweiller_1.jpg'> http://www.portraitsandprints.com/images/rottweillerT.jpg'>
  17. i have a rottie. most loyal dogs ever but you definately(sp) need another dog or someone at home. they are pack animals for sure. when knuckles was a pup we maoved and left him a empty house for a couple of hours, he completely freaked out and thought the world was ending. when i went back and picked him you KNEW he thought he was abandoned. get 2 brother and sister or something
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