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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. i still get lego catalogs in the mail
  2. its been a weird, weird couple of days, and i am listening th the misfits collection 1 album
  3. ok about an hour ago i decided to look at a certain picyure in my collection, then i realized that all the pictures from that roll of film have seemingly been erased from existance, the thing is, i think i can remember looking at the picture. i am trying to think back about what the fuck is going on and i cant remember what i have been doing for the last few days and more importantly i dont have the foggiest idea where my pictures are, meaning i lost a flick of a high profile spot that was buffed the next day. i dont know if i lost it somehow when i was stoned, or the pictures are still at the store, or what,and thats the worst feeling ever
  4. i slept for 11 hours and i havea headache, more wine to consume, and thats about it. oh yeah and i need a cigarette
  5. my box of wine is half finished and im still coherent
  7. my teeth are white at the top and yellow at the bottom, thats what happens when you dont brush your teeth
  8. i am about to go play vice city, first im going to download updates for windows xp on www.microsoft.com
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