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Everything posted by soneMILWwi

  1. spent 2 hours at the dog park getting wild. the beast found the only puddle in the place and went swimming, she had fun so i let her get dirty. now we relax, eat a few percisets and wait for some re-runs of criminal minds to come on... tweet tweet...
  2. damn you rubbing that fat cat in my face, and not in a sexy plump vagina way...
  3. Rawwwrrrrrr. Its 6:30 am, Im up early and I think I am going to head out for a 5 to 10 mile bike ride. Lets see how much motivation and stamina I have once i get rolling. Hopefully by the time I am done my train watching homies will be awake so we can choo choo with a koo koo. yadda yadda yadda. sone over and out... tweet tweet...
  4. Now let's all eat some percisets because its the new hip thing to do, just watch the commercial for the new real world new orleans. those kids are trouble...
  5. Some i photographed, a few right clicked and saved from the internet...
  6. Who the hell is ulock and jetski???
  7. It's a food network kind of day. Tweet tweet...
  8. Omg dudes. Spent 8 dollars on a cover charge to get into mad planet because I thought I was gonna have a dance off against awe2. They didn't even play any music good enough to dance to, so no one got served!!! What a wacked out Wednesday. Sone over and out. Tweet tweet...
  9. Artistik and I are planning a freight train cook out this saturday, text message me for details. tweet tweet...
  10. New iPhone is coming out June 24th. Hip hop non stop graffiti rock... Tweet tweet...
  11. Fuck this rain!!! I'm about to head up to the Milwaukee market for the lobster dinner from the st Paul fish market. It's a super good deal!!! Yum yum gimme some... Tweet tweet...
  12. 12oz is the new twitter. Tweet tweet!!!
  13. Weather is super nice. Gonna go hit up the dog park to let the beasts run wild. Holler...
  14. i want to paint in the park. yee haw...
  15. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es some good stuff, alot of bad...
  16. Through not threw or threw not through...
  17. haha, i dont battle friends. it was a coincidence that we posted the same afternoon. i only posted a few to 12 oz cheesecurd, the rest i put onto my flickr vault. go peep em!!!!!
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