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2 blaazed

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Posts posted by 2 blaazed

  1. I guess i must of came upon a marker/mop or something last night..because when i woke up (sitting at my kitchen counter with a cold hot pocket in the microwave) i had heavy black ink on my hands. I aslo had no memory of writing those messages last night. Even though it now makes sense why i found a packed bowl on my table when i woke up

  2. Ima motherefuckin drunk as fuck bwoooooooooy.I got kciked out the moviez a bar , chillis and the bus ..None wanted to come back witf me to my crib in worry that i am liable to do something stupid.so heres i am jus me and my efriends..what a hurt statement.and spitting on a bus driver shouldnt be grounds to be kicked off the bus.hes lucky its a felony to hitem .And dropping your haf drank 40 while you try your hardest to win in cruising usa shouldnt gets me kicked out of thge moviesd either.Anyway fuck you all.i love you all

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