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2 blaazed

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Posts posted by 2 blaazed

  1. I am fuckin sick as a god..Bronchitis and a reaaal bad head ache..i realy dont want to do shit..cuz i dont wanna smoke (IT MAKES The bronchitis worse) So i am gonna stay home tonight..probably catch a quick nap till midnight...my boy is gonna come over around 1 in da mornin and we are gonna kick it till 2 of my boys get outa work ( 7 IN DA MORNIN) Then we are having 2 strippers over...

  2. Fellas...what a night..what a night..The girl from the other night (the russian one) calls me and whats to hang out blah blah blah...so she comes to the house were kicking it smoking a blunt watching a movie...We get a call from a mutual friend.It was his birthday and he wanted us to come chill..So we go to this lil party with some cool people...Im gettin pretty drunk quickly (you know me) and everyone is having a good time and what not...This girl is all over me..pulling me into the bathroom for make out sessions..Telling me all types of shit.."she wants to be my girl"" She has alot of feelings for me" So this was boosting my high even more. THEN out of nowhere some neigborhood kids shows up...these niggaz were acting mad shady and what not....at one point im looking for the girl and i cant find her...so i look in my boys moms room and she is on the bed all over one of these guys. I spazzed out...spit in her face..The dude tryed to say something and he got beat down..So i leave the party in a fit of rage..im walking in the middle of a real big intersection...swaying back and forth..cops pull me over and arrest me for dissorderly conduct...so i had to sit in the precent for another 3 hours...FUCKING BITCHES !!!!!!

  3. So im chillen in my crib today. A few friends from the nieghborhood came through to smoke out. They brought this russian girl (18 year old, big chest, tight body, tight ass) I could tell right away from the look in her eye she is a freak. So we get to talking and what not. And she was totally giving me signs she was feeling me.Making as much possible body contact without bieng completely sexual.Would look over and she would be staring right into my eyes and what not. So after awhile she comes up with the great idea to get some liqour(in wich she paid for becuase she had mad dough) so after getting somewhat tipsy she pulls me over into my kitchen and says to me in the sexiest of voices( make up a skeme to get all these kids outa here and the REAL party is gonna start) so i pretend that im tired and ready to go to sleep, i got work in the morning blah blah blah. So they leave and she tells them she is 'gonna wait for a ride" So as soon as i close the door and let them out we start goin g at it right at the door. I pick her up throw her on the bed and just went at it for about 2 hours...fucking incredible sex. She just left a lil while ago and im still drunk, sweating, and still in pure amazement of the last 2 hours of my life...

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