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2 blaazed

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Posts posted by 2 blaazed

  1. I grew up with a german shepard/collie (lassie dog) named candy.She was the illest watch/guard dog of all time.but the sweetest dog too, we had to put her to sleep 2 years ago (right after i moved out) because of digestive problems, it was probably all the table scraps we used to give her




    this kid anthonyi know is a sick fuck. one of those kind of kids who used to throw cats off of roofs and what not.He never did anything to animals around me because he knows i would of kicked his ass.But i heard stories.Anyway, One day i was at ant's house (Grant projects) and we were walking his pitbull, princess. Princess is the most ruthless fighting pit i have ever crossed paths with.Ant and his brother used to lock it in the closet for days on end with no food and then just give it a big bowl full of blood and meat, and it would tear up anything or one in site.So we are walking his dog and on the lawn of the pjs a mother pitbull just had puppys and was cuddling them totally protecting them.For one reason or another before i could see what was going on princess ran over, grabbed the mother by the neck, broke it and flung her lifeless body a good 3 feet, and then started eating the puppys, it was the most vile thing i had ever seen, i threw up so much i almost fainted. To make a long story short ant had to kill princess that day and i havent talk to ant since

  3. Originally posted by El Mamerro@Mar 6 2006, 06:33 AM

    About 45 minutes ago I woke up to a racket outside my room and what I thought was my neighbor's dog wailing in pain. I opened up the window and look out on my lawn and saw three dogs, one medium-large and two medium-small ones completely fucking up something a lot smaller.


    I blitzed out of the house and the dogs ran away as fast as they could, leaving the nearly lifeless body of my cat on the grass.


    My fucking cat, Gistro (that's spanish slang for "thong"), the fucking awesomest cat I've ever had. I've never had a cat, or maybe even a dog for that matter, that was so goddamn friendly, loving, and who genuinely appreciated the loving you gave him. Less than 24 hours ago I laid in bed, nursing a hangover as I often do, and he came over, as he often does, to chill and pass out belly-up next to me, purring away. Now, he is fucking dead on my couch wrapped up in a towel.


    It is taking every ounce of my willpower to not grab a baseball bat, go find those dogs, and perform a colorful, loud, and thorough act of animal abuse.


    RIP Gistro.


    damn , thats ruff man, i would of bugged the fuck out, my cat is like another family memeber, rip gistro

  4. Originally posted by why write?@Aug 24 2005, 09:43 PM

    yeah, i read in the paper that it got approved, [ i read this yesterday ], was wondering if anyone went seen how it was, cause i think it seemed like it would be pretty ill....but some people will talk shit on me for saying that.



    i went by there for a little while. it was pretty weak. theyre were mad jocks and herbs there.The walls were pretty cool though good writers and i got to kick it with a few of my favorite writers of all time.

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