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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. haha, that's awesome. they always have me doing their student gov. and dance posters.
  2. halloween party at my job....haha i am a teachers aide and walked around all day like this. only like 2 people knew that i was supposed to be a ringwraith from lotr. yes, the 2 people were geeks like myself.
  3. calling all tri state area kb's and 12ozers..... i am having a party on saturday december 18th at cbgb's 313 lounge in manhattan. $5 cover, 2 dj''s. blah blah blah. i hope this isn't a violation of post rules.... i will post a flyer in the event section later in the week, this is just a pre-invite to crew.
  4. thanks. yeah man, i have a hard time motivating myself to do shit but this class is kinda cool. next project.........oils.....should be fun!
  5. thanks people. i think it is done. i know shit is off here and there, but i don't care. my degree is gonna be worthless anyway........hahahah
  6. yeah i been using the erasure and the blending stump, and the chamois. i was gonna hit it with the workable fixit, then keep adding charcola. i am bouncing back between working on this and sitting on line looking at girls on myspace, thinking.....gooch you are a loser.
  7. aight people be easy on me.....this isn't done but i think it is up to speed for the most part. shit is off on it here and there, but i suck, so i accept my fate. never the less please critique: mind you, this is my first time using charcoals and only my second attempt dointg a portrait. be easy
  8. bought a wireless controller for my ps2............. ......san andreas alllllll night!!! gatty my wonkafied golden ticket is in the mail! keep an eye out!!
  9. i quit, in about 6 weeks you should be getting a box of goodies from me. enjoy and let me know how things work out.
  10. oh deto.....you can stay on my myspace friend list.....just cause your ok in my book.
  11. ummmm i'm here all the time. well, often enough. i need to avoid the computer, every time i sit in front of it all i hear in my head is porn porn porn porn, and then before i know it 4 hours have passed by and i want to take a nap....
  12. hmmmm... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... i don't know about this... when i ask you to tell me about yourself, that is basically your interview in which i will decide whether or not you are worthy of our cause. and this is how you respond? that was a fuking horrible response. terrible. "i just be writing"??? "otha"???????? knightbats, i'm feeling democratic today, lets take a vote... what do we think about this kid? Quoted post [/b] yeah, no offense but that ain't really bringing the funk! like this is a good opening interview: "hi i'm _____________ i like to play with my ass hair and pick the dinkleberries out. one time i put some of them in my friends eggs as a joke after a an insane house party. yeah, i like midget porn and cupcakes. i listen to sleater kinney and take photos of tags in dust on trucks". thats kinda funky!
  13. i'm all about clare danes! she sent me this pic and was like dam gooch, you never home! hahahaha
  14. fatalist, you are the fuckin man!!!! shit works like a charm!!!!! thanks homeskillet...
  15. dude, she is getting hitched to fes....hahah gliks got more steez than that dude, it's all about the mf doom mask!
  16. nah not yet. did you fed ex it? ithey came but left a note saying they would be back today. thanks again!
  17. oh dont lie, you know you are the one who took that pic. remember, it was after the chocolate milk enema's?? wow, this is out of hand...haha i am off to sleep. tomorrow i will again become mild mannered joe ******** teachers assistant, where talk like this is not the norm.....haha.
  18. and i quit's awesome parties: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (halloween 2003)
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