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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. i am down, but only if you get up in my passaround... and give me full credit for having the idea first and make me " most incredibly ingenious and smarmly handsome knightbat of em all" no wait, just get up in my book, this is so dope... idid a knightbats str8letter on the inside cover of the general passaround book that i will be sending to whover requests it ( im not expecting too much from THAT book) but maybe ill be pleasently suprised... anyway im in dets....... Quoted post [/b] count me in!!
  2. i have a better one, but i thought that would be pretty funny. i never did like visiting the relatives on the holidays!
  3. the color of my own shit has always held my interest. when i was younger and had a really bad diet i would often find green logs in my bowl. yesterday was a light tan almost the color of my living room walls. as the day pregressed it darkened slighty.
  4. haha you bastard I walked right by Ray's yesterday at like 3. I was up on Stanton looking at getting some more tattooing done. I was also all around Mott and Mulberry doing cheap ass christmas shopping. Quoted post [/b] i was there at like 3:30 am, not in the afternoon haha i went to sleep this morning at like 7:30am and i woke up at about 10:30 am, i cant sleep. i am doing laundry and working on that oil painting. boiling points is one of the best shows on tv! don't you agree??
  5. i'm home, just watched the end of star trek. i feel like i am getting sick. went with robocelf tonight to handle some graff business. had some drinks, had some more. spoke to gatita (i'll call you back tomorrow or later in the week).i had some good pizza (rays on bowry), and i just took a nice shower. did i mention i feel sick and i think i am getting the flu/a cold.......fuck! i have no sick days left at work!!!! gonna look at porn then go to sleep. paaaace!!!
  6. hmmm, i would suggest just do what you would do at a straight bar: eye contact, smiles, go over and chat, whatever. infact you may have a better chance of hooking up w/ her cause she may assume you are gay thus her guard would be down. hmmm i'm getting ideas....i should try this....lol.
  7. wow she is DOPE! heading to bklyn tonight, any bats around???
  8. i have that happen to me often, it sucks!!! coffee, coffee, coffee!!
  9. random quote of the day: "so i was eating this girls ass out last week and she asks me what the hell i was doing. eating your ass i said, what the fuck does it look like?!?!?!" - the_gooch
  10. gonna sit home all weekend and do nothing!!!!! i love it!!!!
  11. oh come on gliks, you know you wanna! gatty i'd love to, cause god knows i need to, but you know i don't leave the house!
  12. got a few new hot female recruits joined up on the myspace bat cave....boo yaaa! people, if you are down throw that shit up in your profile on there! REPRESENT! ^O^
  13. dam, ken jennings lost on jeopardy tonight! BOOOOOO!!!!
  14. another party night people?? i used to think that the stones tune "ruby tuesday" was "groovy tuesday." "goooodbye groovy tuesday......" anyone know the steve miller band song jet airliner? it goes like: "big old jet airliner , don't carry me too far away." when i was younger (same age age groovy tuesday) i thought the song said "big old jed and elijah, don't carry me too far away." yeah i'm real random with my thoughts!
  15. ok enough of the stupid pics, i have had my dose of poop humor for today.
  16. ok enough of the stupid pics, i have had my dose of poop humor for today.
  17. knightbats, please listen. always remember this one thing
  18. thanks man, yeah i was stoked when he emailed that to me. yeah, i said stoked. but ok back to this:
  19. nice bracelet, GATITA! holy roflcopters, batman. that is totally gatita, with gatitties in action. Quoted post [/b] hahaha
  20. yeah, so on a side note this is kinda cool i gotta cop this when it comes out.
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