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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. yeah i got my boy working on something for bklyn. hopefully we can get something. if not we can proceed with fame city. i need to own a warehouse. in time i will, and we will all paint there in cold weather, and in the summer we can have giant international pimp parties/bbq's.....it's called: a vision! i think i need to "digibless" this "vision" haha
  2. update: painting: ok, we are still on for fame city but my friend is working on a wall in bklyn as a possible alternative. if he can secure a large enough spot would you guys be down for that instead? it will definitly run longer than fame city would. let me know nothing is set in stone and as far as i'm concerned we are STILL on for fame city. the shirts: i need an AI file so i can get it to my main man tom for a quote, and to see if they will have the time to print it. so let me know about all of that. painting again: are we set on the color scheme? let me know.
  3. i ditched class last night. but i am on my way to work in a few. snow storm this weekend......nice! i got another job interview later today, wish me luck!
  4. hahahah, will they really have those names iquit? that would be so hot!
  5. come on people lets get these shirt designs brewing. i suck or else i'd do one.....haha. i like the friday night meet up idea, set it off iquit.
  6. question: should i or shouldn't i go tonight. never mind where, just a yes or no.
  7. the shirts would probably be around $3-5 a piece. let me know what you guys wanna do and get me some art that everyone is feeling. LaCosaNostra i agree that elife isn't real life but i gotta say, i met a few really cool people on here. anyway the ^O^ is destined for greatness on a worldwide scale! haha
  8. i can only get shirts at a minimum of 36 pieces per design. if we can get a group of people who are down to hit me off for like 1 or 2 at cost, i will definitly get them printed. i just need a one color design and i will see if they can get it to me by the time we all meet.
  9. the wall is fame city in Bridgeport CT. and i really hope the weather will be decent! by the way does anyone know how far the water street dock or the bus terminal (both in bridgeport) is from fame city?
  10. thanks. some of my markers are almost dead, so i am trying to make it work.
  11. deto thanks for looking out! the xl's are pretty big, and the cd didn't play in my car.
  12. the D's book thus far. my job got a little hectic today. one of the students got carted off to the hospital, so i didn't get a chance to do more. i am gonna work on a color scheme later. hopefully tomorrow will be chill at work so i can bang this out.
  13. They STILL wont let ex-gay porn stars get that job? Quoted post I only did it to get through college. Quoted post [/b] that's what i'm saying.
  14. yeah so, i don't think this new job is gonna go through cause of my "background". i am super pissed! my record is sealed, and i have NEVER had an issue getting processed and landing jobs. fuck it, i got another job interview on friday and it pasy more! i just hope these people aren't as anal!
  15. speaking of 29, someone is gonna be 30 in march, and boy are they not looking forward to it.....haha.
  16. One Sicilian Pizza! Im down to partner up for that. Quoted post [/b] i have a million (what i think are good) ideas, i am just a broke ass mofo is all. i had this idea years ago for a spot that was part bar, eatery, pool hall, arcade, theater, club, etc, etc... all my friends made fun of me and said it was a stupid idea and would never fly. 10 years later i see places like it all over.
  17. that's nuts! i still want to open up a pizza spot w/ a drive through! you can only get quick stuff like slices, pies, and drinks, no crazy shit like a hero or all of that.
  18. i'm still waiting to get all my papers back so i can file.
  19. i tried some baked pasta dish at romano's macaroni grill. i forgot the name but it had shrimps and chicken in it. it was off the hook! i know i am a fraud of an italian for eating at a non real deal italian joint, but you know what......fuck it!
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