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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. so, i've been bouncing back and forth btwn working on this shit for my illustration class and working on some lesson plans. i still need to bang out 1 more LP and some observational journal thing (never did the observations, i am just making it up based on my experience at my job and my vivid imagination). i REALLY need to get the fuck out of school and get a real job! either that or someone offers me big bucks for my humble clothing line....haha. (keep dreaming). actually fuck that, i wouldn't sell my shit out like that. well, i guess for the right price (and that's only cause of all my fuckin debt). dam i'm ranting like gatita...haha. it's all good. i popped a stacker 3 at like 7pm, I AM WIRED!!!
  2. word, my boy was murdered a few years ago. it is a rough process to go through but like 2blazzed said keep your feet grounded.
  3. i've been working on this: and a bunch of lesson plans (all for school) i hate school so much right now (and not just cause i can't afford to go anymore)
  4. i want to plan another jam for the end of march, we can do it at fame again or something. the weather should be nicer too. so, that being said let's all keep 3/26 open or 4/2 open. this time we should all try to bring the same background colors and what not, or at least have something that ties all the backgrounds together.
  5. yeah so i didn't make it today. kinda sucks but it's all good!
  6. http://www.carlspackler.com/sounds/050.wav http://www.carlspackler.com/sounds/097.wav
  7. word but you need to give me some kind of title with clout and bump me up on that roster...haha on a side note, i just made an appointment with a therapist to see if i infact have A.D.D. awesome
  8. i am gonna try my best. and i am 99% sure iquit will be there.
  9. ok everything is good to go for tomorrow. bring your own buff paint and ladders. 11 am sounds like a good time but if that changes i will let you know. i may not be able to make it , so just hook a brother up and we can call it even. there will be a few other heads rolling that are gonna paint, tyler durden will know who they are if they go. remember first come gets the best spots! paaaace ^O^
  10. ch 7 wabc, good 2 hour special on ufo's (on right now)
  11. yo i'll go, but i mean if the weather is REALLY shitty i am not gonna leave my house. i think the worst of it will hit us tonight and tomorrow.
  12. this weekend is a go! but if the weather is bad, i'm staying at home in my bed!
  13. krylon clover was always fresh apple green is dope too
  14. dude, i know all about it and yes it does infact suck.
  15. i still didn't get a confirmation yet, so i dont know.
  16. it is supposed to be going down and to the middle. like i said i stopped caring. "I'm going to give you a little advice. There's a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball. "
  17. yeah ummm it's called i suck...haha is it that bad? which are you refering to? the painting or the sketch? or both? i have some stuff on sixcentz.com that i actually like. i used to care about painting more than i do now, i just kinda still do it cause i don't know what else to do with myself...haha.
  18. the "A" was left out casue tyler went too big and i didn't feel like re sketching. cold weather will do that.
  19. glik your joint was fresh! after showing me your sketch earlier i got jammin on some stuff. i am ready, all i need is a color scheme and the official green light from our host.
  20. word, and i demand some MVP status for suggesting this whole shindig! next, we need to have a kb clambake!
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