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Everything posted by SteveAustin

  1. SteveAustin


    I was just wondering the same thing. I swear I used to have a 17 lb Torker. I'm guessing its because of the trick factor. who uses a bmx bike just to race anymore. they've gotta hold up to the abuse.
  2. slip and slides were the absolute shit. we set one of those up in our dorm hall in college around midnight and had a blast. college women hitting the slip and slide drunk off their asses wearing nothing but underwear is all good in my book. speaking of...Real Genius and Weird Science. these may have already been mentioned, but I'm on a real slow connection, so I'm not going to go back and check.
  3. http://theimaginaryworld.com/twitter06.jpg'> the absolute fucking best! I used to have a bass boat green Schwinn Stingray...god I wish I had that bike back!
  4. Weapon X...thought that was the Brown Hornet...gotta give more love to the gang. http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/turnpike/237/heyheya.jpg'> http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/turnpike/237/albert.gif'> http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/turnpike/237/albert.jpg'> http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/turnpike/237/falbert.jpg'> http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/turnpike/237/hands.gif'>
  5. I've been trying to figure out the name of that show for years! The one where the guy morphs into animals is called "Manimal". I finally found it. More stuff...Captain Caveman, Buck Rogers, Night Court, Thats Incredible and Battlestar Galactica.
  6. Ahhh shit, how I could forget "The Six Million Dollar Man"...I'll never know. There was some other sitcom where this guy would turn into animals...can't remember the name. Anyone remember The Phoenix?
  7. absolutely the best. I wish someone would play reruns of it or put it on DVD. A couple other oldies I remember watching...The Green Lantern and Shazam.
  8. SteveAustin


    I got caught sleeping. I had my first mtn race this past weekend. I'm involved in promoting them now, so I added on a truckload of work. Worked my ass off for two days straight and didn't even think I was gonna race. Seeing as how I got tha hook-up, I said fuck it and went ahead and raced. I felt pretty good the first lap. Hell I was even in the top ten the first lap. About halfway through the last lap I blew up and just couldn't push the gears. I ended up in 16th place after one of my teammates sprinted me for the finish. Fucker let me pull him up the hill and then swung around and passed me, finishing a second before me.
  9. SteveAustin


    yeah, still shitty round here. I went ahead and put the bike back on the trainer. I think its about time to move, I can't take this lousy weather anymore. I'm beginning to think those 100+ days in Arizona...wouldn't be all that bad.
  10. SteveAustin


    while I'm on the subject of ridiculously priced bikes... I really like this: http://www.merlinbike.com/english/bikes/cielo_img/cielo_lg.jpg'> 16.5 pounds. rough price...$10,000.
  11. SteveAustin

    bicicletas'> dear god, I know the addiction runs deep, but at $850 this is retarded.
  12. SteveAustin


    alkaline...I was just wondering where you've been. I'm all about the eggbeaters off-road, but I want a nice platform to transfer the immense power I'm putting out :rolleyes: to the pedals. I had one of the coolest rides last night. Absolutely amazing. There is some truly amazing stuff in the urban landscape if you know what to look for. Ride time...5 hours. Temperature drop 15 degrees. North Shore...never ridden there, but am currently helping build some NS style platforms. I'm too old to ride that shit...I don't heal as fast as I used to and fixing broken bike parts gets old real fast.
  13. SteveAustin


    around my neighborhood it seems like there is only a bunch of old, really outta shape dudes riding the high dollar Colnagos. they get dropped 10 minutes into the ride normally. most of the insane fast guys have pretty standard bikes.
  14. SteveAustin


    Three or four of the stronger riders on my team have that compu-trainer. Shits just madd fly. What is it with the Colnago's and dudes that have zero talent or fitness saddlin' them? One of the group rides I attend has three or four of those cats...they're always bringing up the rear. I'm looking for some new road pedals. Anyone have any preference? I'm leaning towards the Look 357's right now. I don't want to spend a fortune on them.
  15. SteveAustin


    obviously it depends on whats on the bike in the first place. usually you get big weight savings by changing: suspension fork to rigid like tha crunch said. wheels...rotational weight makes a difference. cranks...some of those stock ones might as well be lead. all the other components will just save you grams. if your just gonna ride it around the city...sell it or trade it for something road worthy. This could just be race jitters, but I'm freaking out thinking I'm not ready for my road race next weekend. wtf. Joker, yeah I know what I said above, but sometimes...its easier to race yourself into shape than bothering with "training".
  16. SteveAustin


    http://www.vintagevelos.com/images/JERSEY-peugeot.jpg'> All those jerseys are just bad-ass, but I especially like this one. Because of WRC racing, I have a thing for Peugeot.
  17. SteveAustin


    Cinnamon...very nice. good luck and all. 18 days till my first road race of the year....whoah! zesto...just take the plunge man. riding in the snow is a trip. matter of fact the fluffy stuff is falling right now. gotta get home and gear up. I love riding in the snow. I especially love the look on "normal" peoples faces when they see you riding in it.
  18. SteveAustin


    zesto...you know, you can ride that bike in the winter. yes, even in tundra land. I need to start turning the wrench. All my beater bikes are beaten. single speed news: East Coast North American Single Speed Championships There is talk of a hellbilly contingent showing up. I may be a part of it.
  19. SteveAustin


    I believe there are a few SSers here as well as several fixies. I have wheel issues right now, so neither of my one speed whips are in working condition.
  20. SteveAustin


    I suffered through the cold to get in a four hour ride last night through the inner city. This ride was just hotness. Came across a few new pieces I hadn't seen before, along with a couple stencils already posted in the stencil pic thread. Felt good to get out and ride despite the weather. I'm kinda surprised by how good I felt this morning. Learned a few new escapes as well, so that ride was more than worth it. Dibs....man thats just awesome. hope you find the guy. thats gotta be worth some serious good karma. Joker...size of the bag is perfect. I'm sure I'll want a bigger bag in a few months, but right now its spot on. I'll try and get that check in the mail this weekend. Thanks again man. Last night was my first real test run with it. Other than needing to make some adjustments for fit, its bad ass. Hope everyones getting out and putting some miles in. This is the worst time of year. I'm actually thinking about buying a Playstation 2 just so I can stand riding the trainer.
  21. SteveAustin


    Joker... package recieved. If I address the return exactly as you wrote it, will you get it? Just wanted to be sure before I sent it. One other thing, check cool or do you want me to send you a money order or some shit like that? Thanks for the extras! Thats the shit man. Hesh, I'll try and post up the training schedule I'm planning on using. A couple months of hitting the trainer wouldn't hurt. I'm in kinda sorry shape right now. Willy...I like the ideas.
  22. SteveAustin


    I hear ya man. That money issue is what stopped me from making the trip as well. That local contingent I was talking about before is trying to get the city to pick up my airfare for Australia. I can't tell you how fucking cool that would be if they pulled that off. My car and some other expenses I have will be paid off this spring, so my chances of making next years nationals is a lot better. Have you heard any word on where its gonna be? Any news on Super Cup as well? I seem to remember they thought they would be back next year. That 30 degree weather is killing me as well. I've finally decided I need to set up the trainer and start riding indoors. Boring as hell, but at least I'm warm. I'm actually thinking about picking up a playstation 2, just so I have something to do other than staring at my heart monitor. I vote Yes on a t-shirt. All I ask is that whoever sends me the artwork, so I can print my own at home. I'm not sure if I'm up for designing one or not. I might play around with it over the holidays. Might be kinda cool to get all the cutters to contribute some artwork to it.
  23. SteveAustin


    Joker...I was just wondering about the bag. The Timbuk 2 I have is just too damn small and that became painfully obvious this weekend. Yeah, I still NEED it, so it'll make a nice "Christmas" gift to myself. I was hoping it didn't get racked right off my front porch. Thanks Truvativ makes a nice single speed crank. I don't know if its pimp enough to go on the Pista, but its definitely affordable. If your having problems keeping the bolts in, you should probably change the bottom bracket as well. Actually, you might want to change that first. Have the cranks ever been removed? I suppose if the cranks were tightened down too much, removed and then put back on, that might result in the bolts not staying tight. I have one of those clear plastic rain jackets for when it gets real wet out. It has a velcro front closure. There is not a lot of venitlation, but it definitely keeps you dry. http://www.campmor.com/webapp/commerce/com...150&prmenbr=226 Cinnamon...did you make it to Napa for the nationals? http://www.galeforce.org/images/pic_cxnats_01.jpg'> I just found out that there is a contingent of locals trying to get the 2004 SSWCs to come to my home town. That would be absolutely amazing if it happened.Apparently the Minneapolis Mafia is behind the idea, so thats a plus. Its in Australia next year. I'm going to try and make it, but it will probably depend on air fare.
  24. SteveAustin


    man, the state cross championship race I went to turned out so bad it isn't even worth a report. just plain ugly. we've got one more race left. I think I'm essentially done for the season. I think I'm gonna take some time off and just have fun. I actually went out and painted yesterday. cinnamon...I'm all about that rally blue. all the cars I've owned have either been black or silver and I'm kinda done with that color scheme.
  25. SteveAustin


    I was checking out that storm this morning on the news. Looks like you guys are seriously getting rocked out there. All I have to say about the races (2000 Supercup flashback) is bring every piece of cycling gear you own. Do you have a WRX or does your dad? I've been looking at those and the Audis. I think I've finally decided on getting the WRX sedan. Inexpensive, pretty damn quick, all wheel drive and reliable as all get out. I don't think you'll have a problem getting there. Make sure you have a lighter or something to free up those locks on the roof rack. Good luck this weekend man.
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