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Posts posted by E-DubleSkilZ

  1. Alot and imma tell you why - I have boned about 4 and gotten head from at least 3 others all girls I met off that site. If your single you can pull girls off there easy. Why wouldnt you?

  2. Hey shai hulud - hopefully youll check this -


    I didnt go, so what are the odds I now have a warrant? If I do will they notify me? As far as the case goes I really didnt need to be there, so im hoping they just let it pass that I wasent there. The reason I couldnt go - lets just say id rather have some trouble w/ the law then w/ the defendent.

  3. Ok Recently i got a subpoena. It was left in my doorway. From what I have read if you are not properly served - you dont have to go. Properly means the server has to give the subpoena to an Adult in your household. If not, they have no proof you actually received the subpoena. Next this isnt my case, im a witness, and i dont want to go.


    Anyone have any experiences or info to share? I really hope I dont get a warrant or anything like that.

  4. Originally posted by DREDZ

    Yo, AWR and MSK are dope and have been representing for some time now. You can clearly see where a large majority of other graff writers got some of their inspiration. Evidence from Dilated Peoples told me that he was down with AWR; I wonder if that is true.




    Some MSK's told me Evidence was from there crew way back in the day before Dilated was even out- i didnt believe them - but i guess its true?


    i used to go to Santa monica college when Iriscience went there

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