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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. Sure this is a repost but that kid jamie was a homo. Smash the robot and Vicki. Yes homo on knowing all their names Best player ever.
  2. How about CITA"S WORLD ON BET??? Can't find any photos
  3. It wont let me post vid for some reason Go to fox 32 search chicago alderman wont answer calls 52 seconds in Only about a half a second
  4. Kiser piece on fox news ...alderman story
  5. Awol Peas Indie Also Wyse CRaE Level Zenl Goner Bias
  6. Believe it or not, some retards in chicago were doing this... Several of Hacker's friends all got Chitonw tattoos together, and Hacker himself did as well, but it didn't stop there. After the Chicago Tribune wrote several stories on what some jokingly call "Chi-Tonw-gate," there was a groundswell of support. Strangers started dropping into Hackers's parlor to get their very own "Chi-Tonw" tattoos. "They want it spelled wrong," said Hacker. "They insist on it. They want it spelled the right way, now is what we're saying. They want it spelled C-H-I-T-O-N-W." Now in Chicago, there are "Chi-Tonw" T-shirts. Hacker's parents even have affixed a bumper sticker on the back of their Mini Cooper, which reads "Proud Parents of the Chi-Tonw Artist."
  7. I didn't have cable until i got my own place. Remember this on saturday mornings.... Probably been posted already but.... I don't even know what this was about but SALMAS DANCE WAS OFF ThE rIcHtEr! This show was awesome. Think im the only one that watched it. think it was right around 99
  8. mosluggo


    Need some recomendations for my drive to work. Other than the ones above. Gracia
  9. I read I hope they serve beer in hell. Havent seen the movie yet, but he's a total dbag. And most of the girls he bangs belong in the smash or trash thread.
  10. WOW those brass knuckles are awesome
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