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Everything posted by Subwaynet

  1. That Grog ink is really doing his dirty work... I'm from Milan and really loving it... it's fucking drippy and really hard to buff... 100 times better than the new nero ink
  2. It works it works...don't worry...ink come out only when you push it...and the tip absorbe the ink. Anyway...what da hell is this fuckin ACID to make those unbuffable tags on windows??? nobody know??
  3. I'll try to get some flix..but it's difficult couse my friend got no chance to scan them...
  4. Hi there. My friend been recently in NY....they came back with tons of flix....and in all of them shooted inside subways cars are visible a lot of tags made in a manner i really can't understand. It seems like a marker filled with corrosive acid, that makes the window opaque...final result is much more better than scratched tags. Someone can tell more about this?
  5. Subwaynet


    These are 3 wt stolen directly from my mag... Only the first half parts...i'll post the others 3 later... http://www.life2web.com/files/communities/mcg/pics/WTparte1.jpg'> Milan..Redline http://www.life2web.com/files/communities/daze/pics/WT01part1_final.jpg'> Stockholm... http://www.life2web.com/files/communities/mcg/pics/WT_B_part1.jpg'> Rome..B line by the way..16v..really nobody ever hitted SF subway?
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