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Posts posted by bodice_ripper

  1. I cant sleep I cant sleep. I am so tired. and there are vibrating spiders in my room. I swear to god, vibrating spiders.


    check it out




    "When the spider is threatened by a touch to the web or when too large a prey hits the web, the spider becomes invisible by vibrating rapidly and becoming blurred, and for this reason have sometimes been called "vibrating spiders".


    we live on the same planet as vibrating spiders. its not ok....

  2. Originally posted by CasperMigo

    http://www2.freepichosting.com/Images/86011/0.jpg'> http://www2.freepichosting.com/Images/86011/1.jpg'>

    Here's another unfinished and an older one



    ok, I am going to be a bitch and tear these apart. i'm sure these get props on here, because most of the people posting here are coming from a graphics backgroung, and are easily mistified with poeple's ability to draw or shade.


    first, you are shading too much, the lightest parts of the body would benefit from being left unshaded altogether, and the darkest parts should be darked. It's all a bit middle-gound really


    Second, you are getting all caught up in "I'm drawing a sexy girl" and not paying enough attention to the whole body shape. The hand and arm on the "tattooed" one is completely wrong - crammed in small in order to keep it on the page. It gives a drawing a sense on depth if you allow the body to be "cut off" by the edge of the page - ie, it makes for better composition.


    The hair on the one grabbing her tits is awful. it derves as much time and effort as here tits do, but you've just scribbled in a bunch on random lines. Her tits look like some melons shes carrying against a flat chest, you went so nuts shading them that they are too spherical, and here cleavage looks like she has been kicked in the sternum. And the ott abs you gave her look like a second boobs is about to sprout beneath the one she is holding.


    No doubt these were drawn from photo's = cool I do that too. But if you ever want to be able to render the body properly, you will need two things:

    Practice with more than airbrushed photos of plastic girls.


    Actual life drawing



    If these things aren't for you, satrt looking at doing more stylised, cartoony characters







    Don't take this personally, I do actually have some experience in this area.....I am trying to help

  3. I don't believe humans HAVE pheromones, further, all the research I've that claims they exist were based around male pheromones




    that's just my own laypersonal.......................................:rolleyes:

  4. Originally posted by bodice_ripper

    I live in ireland and until VERY recently you could get fuck all paint, and the are only TWO main stores in the goddamn country from which you can even get it. Belton retails at about £6 ($5.40 ish), Montana and Proline at £4 ($3.57ish).

    But bombing cans cost about £6.50 ($5.80)!! And these are VERY small stores, you cant steal them. So me and my crew scour the local spots and grab all those ditched bombing empties and fill them with cheaper car chrome, and they are good as new. All the toys buy the bombing cans and then use them for legal pieces, so there's always some to find.....



    this is the earliest I can find..........................not terribly intersting really.................

  5. Originally posted by dr. frink one

    today I wore,


    Black Ben Davis Pants

    Black Nerve Agents Small Shirt

    Black Converse

    Black Dickies padded zipup jacket

    and my jesus belt..


    Not even daylight could resist your pull......:P

  6. Bright, glow-in-the-dark, Barbie pink, super baggie corduroys.


    Hand-tie-dyed blue t-shirt with "Cultural Imperialist" stenciled on in old english script ( I like making my own clothes)


    Rangers hockey top


    Hanes red knickers


    electric blue nail varnish




    and, for a good part of the day, my Ibanez

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