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Everything posted by Pistol

  1. What goal is that? How's your dad? Everything go as planned?
  2. Right here Zack. Just took a break from Bond. I see your closing in on 2000. Damn my eyes hurt after 35 minutes of playing. :spent: :scramble:
  3. fuck it i'm out. gonna move the cars around for street sweeping and get in a little PS2 action. If my girl doesent wake up for me to...maybe I'll stop by again.
  4. Yeah Zack. I hate to dload a copy of 7 and then find out the copy I got has errors or something after I install. Then have to uninstall and reinstall. Hey Aser1ne hows PS6? I thought you woulda experimented and posted something you did with it.
  5. I've dloaded tons of programs on there and never had a virus. Although I sometimes get bad files or missing files which suck. Just make sure after it's done scan your folder that has the dloaded programs before you unzip and click that exe. button. I have PS6 but haven't gotten around to grabbing a 7.
  6. Wonka you got a virus scan on your comp?
  7. I was only messing 'round Zack. But I hope everything turns out for the better. My brother in law's dad got one of those. He was already old too. But he rebounded fast and is back.
  8. It's decent I've only played the first 3-4 levels. It takes a little getting used to. I've got a N64 that I played Golden Eye. Similar games but the controls are different. I've hardly ever played on a PS controller before. By the way the XBOX are now on sale for 199.00 also. Same price as the PS2. PS2 - Dropped 100$ in one day. XBOX - Dropped 200$ the next day. PS1 - 50$
  9. stay home zack, stick with the NightOwls. damn hope everything turns out alright man.
  10. dolomite got banned again. All my girl could afford was Bond Agent under Fire Next up is GTA or a Sports game.
  11. What's cracking NightOwls. My girl spent the night and I got a PS2 tonight. So I was busy. Is WhenoOne in here yet. Another banning. damn
  12. nice vinyl. i've been thinking about a "My City" thread too.
  13. tease WISHES he got the hooker finger one time
  14. I'm thinking Mallrats...stink palm. :lol:
  15. the puregraffiti link is wrong you added a letter, but those fools are a bunch of fag rip off's anyway.
  16. My friend got a "dance" from a suprisingly young and decent looking chick considering it was 5 am. She took him him into this little booth about 5 feet beind our table and pulled out his dick and jacked him off for a minute. At least he didn't get the hooker finger.
  17. Last time I went to TJ was months ago. Me and my 2 boys went to a strip joint (Fritz) then at 2am decided to head for TJ. By the time we got there it was like 5-6am after a flat tire. It's all about driving across unless it's a holiday weekend.
  18. A little dusty but still used. Last game I got was Railroad Tycoon II http://freephoto-i.net/users/Pistol/DSC00319.JPG'> http://freephoto-i.net/users/Pistol/DSC00317.JPG'>
  19. Maybe we'll have to meet up in TJ @ a place called Pussy Cats. Then take any virgins to Cahuelas for there devirginazation process by young TJ locals.
  20. damn wonka. that sucks. Plus you don't get all the sales and rebates we get in the continental US. Sorry offer not available in HI or AK. WhenOne you should also check out Fry's Electronics in Burbank, Industry, or Anaheim. It has more stuff than Best Buy.
  21. Zack if you come down to LA. Me you WhenOne and Splinter should get together and hit a strip joint or something. I'm not sure of Splinters age. But it will be a NightOwl thing. Maybe I can get Dee to come down.
  22. hell yeah uncle-boy I bought a dreamcast for 150 right before the price drop. I got a gangsta black one, the Sports Edition with NBA 2k and NFL 2k. I can get games for like 5-10 bucks. Too bad most of the stores don't carry the games anymore. Playing NFL2k2 was fun as hell online. To bad it skipped so much. Took some getting used to.
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