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Posts posted by Pistol

  1. i always see those fuckers @ the mall in the book store. Givng away free stress tests. Then they find out wow you are stressed. Then they say the can help you etc. But they never say they are scientologist. I trip out on them while i'm browsing to see if I should buy stuff and fhm along with my maxim.

  2. Dude if it's something you really want to do and your boy doesent mind you living there with him and the grandpa go for it.

    Do it while your not working. Maybe you could get a little summer job out there for spending money and to save up for when you get back home and need a place to stay away from your parents.

  3. I got tons of new carshow pics from some import revolution shit in Anaheim. But I need to upload them and stuff. My girl has spent the weekend at the house so I haven't had time to upload them.


    BTW probably ythe newer Oolong design. I'll probably put one on my mirror in my room and on my girls car.

  4. Oh I met some dude that makes those car decals sorta like racer type stuff. He'll make singles and what not of whatever. He just charges a couple of dollars. I was gonna get a couple of Oolong cause he makes them right there. So I go into my back pocket to grab one of the Oolongs I carry and I'm all out. I'm gonna look for the guy again and try to get a couple. If I do that's gonna be gangsta.

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