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Posts posted by Pistol

  1. haha dude NO get it N.O.


    dork don't get all butt hurt dude


    click on start>programs>accesories>personalwebserver>

    follow the instructions and then you can use your IP as a server.

    click what files you want to be shared AIM your IP to close peoples and bada bing shared programs,porn,mp3's etc.

  2. the other day i had to go to the park where I coach and i decided to put up an oolong sticker. so i put it up so when you head into the park from the parking lot you'd have to see it. so i had to go back today and it was gone. i was slightly annoyed since it had only been there a week or less. but as i get closer to this electrical box i see someone had taken it off the side and put it on the top of the box.


  3. i wonder if those citronella candle work. go eat a pizza with extra garlic.


    i remember Florida in the summer of 91 i believe. mosquitos everyfuckingwhere. They were huge. The pools at the hotel wouldn't let anyone go swimming after dark because the mosquitos were too much. they were worried about someone catching diseases.

  4. got it on ebay today.

    i've looked all the places i thought i could find a copy. I was gonna rent one from blockbuster and then "lose" it and pay 20 bucks for it but someone else beat me to that. I went to a computer show here in LA where they also sell DVD's thinking some bootlegs would be available but nada. So i finally decided to buy it on ebay. my girl is paying half for me so it's not that bad.

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