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Everything posted by Pistol

  1. I seen the Chalino shirt at the LA County fair. Im pretty sure I can get it in Olvera St. here in Los Angeles. If you want to send me your size and some cash I could probably send it to you.
  2. well dogs for baseball games, pizza after games, and fair food is pretty unhealthy in general. my cholesterol is slightly above average haha. but compared to sooki's grass burgers and shakes. im holding it down for the unhealthy eaters. still under 200lbs though.
  3. 10-07-09 My barber drinks all day cause people buy him beer from the liquor store next door. He considers himself to cut hair better the more he drinks much like people say they shoot pool better when drunk. work truck boss's old bike. he bought some 7k trek madone bike for the weekends. nuts. eat donut and work on crossword puzzle during working hours before i get started. union and proud. work for a minute then take a 2 hour lunch with my foreman. /nh checking out the train tracks going over the river bed. dance and graff waiting in line For Game 1 of the NLDS Dodgers vs. Cards First playoff game ever. Met up with fellow Dodger fan IOU. Dodger Dog. /nh America Fuck Yeah! Shitload of Navy and Police Cadets in attendance for the flag thing. Dodgers win 5-3. Head home and try to sleep before work.
  4. part of a day not really a true day in pies since i didnt flick anything during work. but since i was uploading a shitload of flicks i figured i'd post them up as well. head to the stadium after work. field looking outstanding as usual. picked up tickets for games 1 & 5 of the NLDS Dodgers vs. Cards. (Didnt get to use game 5) East side out of the city over the LA River. Passed by old Sears tower. We Are Not a Minority mural in the Varrio Nueva Estrada Housing Projects. Cronis Hot Dogs in East Los Angeles. Im thinking they got sold cause Big Lurch the human calculator wasnt there. /nh
  5. LA County Fair Take break from beisbol and hit the road to Pomona. Pinks hotdogs at Los Angeles County Fair. /nh Baked potato with turkey bits Shaved ice. Sooki's dogs would be all over this hydrant. Sit in a Prius Cinnamon Roll FTW! The food won. Dinos without feathers FTW! 1/3 lb hot dogs. yeah like anyone is gonna eat that in public. Chalino is my Compa. Bootleg 12oz shirt? Catch the last pig races of the night. Bonus they had duck races too. Oolong?
  6. 10-02-09 Had the day off. Pretty much stayed home most of the day chillen on nyquil 12oz Get a haircut. Fuel up. Hit the road. Dodgers vs Rockies. We lost 3-4 but clinched the division the next day. Chillen on the field at Dodger Stadium. Ready to watch some Fri night fireworks from Mannywood. Snagged some outfield grass before we head out the Dodger bullpen. Perveract. White shorts bonus. She likes it in the ass eh? Go home and try to sleep off my flu. Been to any Giants games lately sooki? Dodgers>Giants :lol:
  7. Shit shave shower. Watched locked up or some other prison show. /nh Chic-fil-a nuggets FTW! Buy toys for bday pool party. Slow day for perveracts. Sorry. Go pick up nephew Go to Edison Field, The Big A or whatever it's called now. Don't matter anyways, Fuck your weed muni. I sell rocks. Get on my level. Los Angeles Times advertising in Anaheim. haha Oakland whipped the Angels They got a Nick Adenhart memorial at the main entrance. RIP Driving home. Watched Desperado on TV.
  8. Dodgers > Giants Upload photos for day in pies. On the way to pick up nephew. Go to game 9-20-09 Dodgers vs. Giants Dodgers 6 Giants 2. Wolf over Lincecum. Pizza Thick waitress perveract. Why don't you have a seat right there and upload more pics for day in pies.
  9. Damn I'm backlogged. /nh I still got days in pies from before game 1. Maybe i'll skip em for now.
  10. you guys are fucking up the thread. ignore and negaprop.
  11. Day in pics NOT whoa dude check out my stash im so cool guns and weed haha awesome haters im drunk and deleting pics now. well unless of course you spent all day staring at the weed and guns then post away. coolpicsbro.jpg
  12. 9-19-09 wash the truck get a haircut. /nh freeway Think Blue. Dodger Dogs fail at not getting grilled /nh Dodgers 12 vs. Giants 1 Dodgers FTW, knocked Penny out in the 3rd. Midget artwork. More browsing at Estevan Oriol & Mr. Cartoons The Last Laugh store/gallery Walked to here to check out the Iranian graffiti exhibit. Attempted perveract. Went here. Pull up a stool at the counter. Pancakes & Bacon /norabbit. Driving around empty Downtown LA streets. Head home. DAY in Pies is much more interesting than WEEK in Pies.
  13. Thats the whole jist of this thread you ONLY quote the homo part. As long as you don't cut and paste it's fair game. It appears you're visibly upset.
  14. ... From a couple weeks ago. Wake up late on Friday. oz Go to bank. 1's and 100's Close to LAPD academy. Accidently pulled in a dead end with a bunch of LAPD in there. Beisbols Downtown LA Scored some last minute end of season Dodger tickets and hat. End up downtown Passed by Walt Disney Music Hall Stopped at my credit union also the CU for the LACFD Went through a large Asian area Pizza Cruisin' Whittier Blvd. /nh Lifestyle CC Saw that dude Paulie that got kicked off LA Ink. Perveract. Mr. Cartoon at Metro PCS in East Los Angeles speaking to kids and doing an airbrush demo. Got my Mr. Cartoon Montana can signed. Came home.
  15. from like 2 weeks ago. ill catch up one day. wake up get dressed then decide to weigh myself decide that wasnt good enough and hop in the truck hot chocolate aww yeah monster pancakes. carbload/eat like a pig watch dog the episode where baby lyssa get married. bored another weigh in after jurassic pancake. decide to go to surf city at night. /nosantacruz take a walk along the pier. decide to get a snack at Rubys on the pier. all i had was fries huntington beach while waiting for the wife in the restroom i saw this. ;)
  16. Also thanks suki. got a postcard from south korea today.
  17. the country music one was "sparkle and twang" and i caught that the last day. it was pretty cool. the yosemite one is running til oct 4. thats ones pretty cool as well more so if your a climber or a fan of yosemite. gives you perspective of those dudes climbing el cap. the rest of the museum is cool. one time only and your good unless you want to go see special exhibits. it has a cool outdoor area right there that a nice place to relax. i would recommend it once if your already going to the zoo or traveltown since your there. southwest indian museum > gene autry western heritage museum i think fantasy baseball and football are probably the two most common forms?
  18. Again from a couple weeks ago. lagging on the uploading. Jump in the truck Enchilada with scrambled egg & more cinnamon brewed coffee. jump on the freeway to LA Moar pizza! Johnny Cash black suit at the Gene Autry museum handwritten lyrics to man in black this is what we went to the Autry for Granite Frontiers : A Century of Yosemite Climbing Think to myself dudes are crazy strong. Then see photo of first paraplegic to scale el capitan. makes me feel like a pussy for getting winded on a trail. Try sleeping on this 3000 feet above the valley floor. Nuts. Eating leftover nerds while waiting for wife. Saw this in the gift shop. NightOwls. 12oz Fantasy baseball
  19. yeah which one. i live around the block from one as well. My parents and aunt and uncle used to always go the one on western. That used to be their spot. As a matter of fact I was conceived after El Cholo margaritas. But after all the OG's died off the quality of food changed. /coolstorybro
  20. day off a couple weeks ago. Wake up brush teeth & wash up get dressed and smoke a cig. eat a snack. knotts boysenberry preserves FTW! load up truck for recycling center. get a haircut. (i tried taking low pro mirror so as not to look like a weirdo taking flicks of myself ending up getting this dude. so /nh) take cat to get her shots. what the duece? some bond and 12oz while the wifes at work. haha bomb ass hot fudge sundaes some ms pacman action saw inglorious basterds. awesome. jewmanbearpig BONUS: i got two shots in the following day before i forgot about taking flicks. went to eat PT Cruisers ready for gay sex.
  21. This was from last month. Just plugged in my iphone to transfer flicks. Showered. Duece. Stop off at Target to get card. Eek-A-Mouse? Awesome. Beans with chorizo bits in it and chipotle and chicharonnes in red sauce and cinnamon brewed coffee. The Best french toast topped with cinnamon made from bollio bread. Watched "I Love You Man" and chilled. Carne Asada.
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