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Posts posted by Pistol

  1. in the al yes but not nl.


    o well iou , you kno i got love for ya and not the dodger side of ya


    all that hatred comes from hearin it all day everyday at work from some stupid wetback


    o yeah and the fact im a northern cali kid and a die hard giants fan


    yankees had 103 wins

    dodgers came in second with 95 wins

  2. Ralph Lauren, you do know it's possible to post more than one pic per post right?

    Wahh. Lakers over sixers regardless of stern. Wasn't that the year we went 4 straight on you after game one fluke.


    Anyways this is beisbol. Victorino is a bitch for pressing charges on the dude that spilled beer on him. Bitch move.


    Mero killed RL.


    Ralph lauren sounds like Milhouse in the simpsons with this soul bullshit.

  3. yesterdays ALCS game was good.

    but i have to say it's kinda disheartening to see the yankee team with the payroll they got.

    i know the Dodgers payroll is up there but I enjoy seeing guys like Loney, Kemp, Martin, billingsley, kershaw, broxton that came up through the organization along with Ethier who we picked up but developed in the organization. That along with local guys like loretta, weaver, garland, wolf etc that are now playing for the Dodgers


    it's crazy how the Angels have owned the Yankee for awhile know then all of a sudden they cant win. it's also crazy that arod is actually hitting.

  4. So much for Torres hunch about Kuroda.

    Wolf hasnt pitched in 11 days since game one of the nlds.

    Whats really hurt us is the balls and walks in general.

    Our pitching hasnt found the strike zone.

    We walk batters then are forced to pitch a strike the hitters wait on it and bam.

    It also doesent help that the leagues most potent offense decided to go on vacation.

    All i can do is tip my hat to cliff lee a potential cy young for an outstanding game.

    all that and we're only down 2-1.

    Well be back.


    PS fuck victorino.

  5. actually i beat you to it. but alas.


    i had the allergy test before.

    was allergic to a few types of grasses and a couple trees.


    i did allergy injections for a few years and it helped. i still get hayfever symptoms every now and then but not as often nor as severe.


    you start off once a week and you gradually increase the spacing to once every 2 weeks and so on. not sure how that would work with food allergies though.

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