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Posts posted by Pistol

  1. excerpts from an extremely gay post by one Mr. ABC


    Originally posted by Mr. ABC

    so when i go back to australia next week, he's gunna let me have it.


    Originally posted by Mr. ABC

    i know it's hard guys, and i miss you all too, but we must be strong.


    Originally posted by Mr. ABC

    was that emo, or just gay?

  2. I don't know what people did other than die before antibiotics.

    I could barely swallow much less eat. After 2 pills, I don't feel great but alot better than before.

    Taking finals with fever, chills, and body aches is gangsta.

    I hope I didn't fuck up too bad. I just guessed and rushed through on alot of stuff. The short essays, were um really short.

    And I have 2 reports due by Friday.'

    African Economy - civil wars, no food, no water, aids, chuck spears, scratch booties.




    College Nightowls, any of you got something like that tucked away in mydocs?

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