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Uncle Wiggly

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Everything posted by Uncle Wiggly

  1. Uncle Wiggly


    you should head south and ride Reddick (well, officially I think it's called Razorback) by Ocala and farther down by Tampa is the Carter road trail which is pretty cool as well...
  2. I'm not an alcoholic... I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.
  3. I had a BAD bike wreck (30mph) and suffered what is commonly reffered to as a 'season ending injury' in the form of a broken hand, well, not sure if it's just a really bad sprain or a hairline fracture but I'm off the water for a while... when I do ride it's on a Liquid Force...
  4. My best friend's wife has the fucking companies by the balls... the other day she gave me a bottle of vitamins, Theragram-M, that they paid her $2.10 to take out of Walgreens... so, she racked up like $75 of some sort of Walgreens dollars in the process... this chick RULES coupons! She bring's home carloads (Chevy Suburban) and has only spent $7.50! I mean everything, candy, beef, bread, vitamins, diapers, milk, veggies... she's the queen of a carload that costs $0.30... all coupons... she's some kinda prodigy but... it can be done!
  5. Re: Shot it in her Bot Thread people are stupid, and I watched Family Fued so it's my own fault but... this has been bugging me since yesterday. The question is: Name a counrty that you respect other than the United States. (Keep in mind 6 0f 7 have been revealed... like Japan, France, Italy, England, Canada, Germany and ???) So, the one family is on their 3rd strike and have named 6 of the 7 answers but failed on the last SO... the other family gets a chance to 'steal those points!'... So, up jumps Family Q and their shouting out and stuff... so, they settle, dude repeats the question and bitch lays it on us... "OK Richard, we're gonna go with Europe." About that time I realized that in the shouting part, half the fam was shouting 'Europe! Europe!' and the other half was shouting 'Africa! Africa!' ... broad racial conflict aside, these mooks watched the other family name 6 countries, 4 IN EUROPE and STILL named continents...
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