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Zack Morris

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Posts posted by Zack Morris

  1. damn dude...thats kinda harsh..did your roomie know that was your ex or did ole girl know that he was living with you?...If he knew it was her I would knock the shit out of him, if she knew he was your roomie but he didn't know about her....hmmm I am going to have to think about this one...ole girl should not get away with this one.


    the revenge for this one hyas to be worse than the time I made an ex think I gave her HIV for three days...hahaha

  2. http://www.mininova.org/get/357680


    torrent for san andreas

    o make this work after you download it, use something like Daemon Tools or PowerISO and insert it. Copy the gta sa.exe from the crack directory and paste it into the install directory (after its installed, duh)


    the cracked .exe just skips the CD check... And no this isnt online



    if you don't know how to make this work don't ask me for help...I did my part

  3. sunday after a long night of drinking I thaught I almost shit myself inside out...evidently I shit so hard that day that now I have no poo. I have not had anything more than a small but of rabbit turds come out of me since. I feel cheated, maybe I need to get a new book or some magazines.

  4. she rolls drinks a little


    when you say rolls I am hoping this has nothing to do with X...drinking alone is enough reason if you ask me to not even speak to her. If she doesn't care enough about the kid she is denying to be inside her that should show you what kind of a person she is and do you really even want to be around that? Plus since she is denying how do you know she isn't just waiting on you to smash, blast teh baby batter in her and then have her say its your child?...there is so mucdh wrong with this situation that I think you should just run away...far far away.

  5. the sad part is that child is probably going to suffer some major brain damage and developmental problems at the hands of HIS OWN FUCKING MOTHER. That bitch deserves to have every bone in her body broken starting at her toes and working the way up. There is something so disturbing about anyone that can harm a child and especially a new born baby. That bitch does not deserve to breathe.

  6. my boss used to be a bouncer at a club that was a well known drug spot in my city. A large part of his money would come from him and the other bouncers/security getting paid off by the drug dealers, and beating the shit out of other dealers, robbing them of everything they had and then selling that persons drugs to one of the dealers that pays them off. After the first year the club got shot at three times because of how the bouncers ran shit.


    now the guy is a successful business owner and owns a shit ton of rental properties...talk about a big fucking 180.

  7. I think that every job has to have its retard there, as soon as one gets fired a new one comes in. Just like every village has its idiot. My jobs current waste of space is this oxycotin addicted hip hop wanna be retardo. Atleast once if not twice during a 6 hour shift he will have to have pills brought to him by his dealer. I found out he is soon to be fired since no one can stand him. One day he was in there after eating a few oxy's and bars of xanax and was standing next to a pizza oven dozing off while standing up and falling twards the oven. Sadlyt he heat from the oven would wake him up. I would have given up an entire weeks worth of tips to watch him land face first on a 450 degree oven. Another time dumbfuck was supposed to be making pizza's but once again was fucked up due to his chemical cocktail and straight collapsed and smashed his face into a cutting board. Needless to say that was priceless. Another time I gave him a ride home due to the fact that I felt sorry for him having to walk 2 miles home in the rain. I had some drum and bass playing in the car and he could not listen to it without doing liquid and TRYING to mc over it. Somehow a pothole just came out of no where while he was doing this and I had to make a fast hard left making him smack his head against my window...damn those invisible potholes....fucking tardface.


    kid is straight cracker style to the max.

  8. I was raised on classic country from the 50's-70's. All this new stuff such as what was mentioned at the top of this thread is nothing but pop music with a southern accent. Lately though I am starting to get into alot of the alt. country stuff that is out there.

  9. the worst I got at work is some pill popping whiteboy that wishes he was "down with the browns" so to say. I did once get into trouble though in highschool at a retail job for saying to a co-worker, "if you do that your fucking gay." and he was gay and he bitched to the higher ups and I got a weeks vacation out of the deal.


    play the rqace card, your hispanic and she's part irish which means she's part white. Your more minority than her. Just make a big deal out of shit, bigger than her....or just not care and let it blow over.

  10. there is this stuff at the pharmacy called zanfel.Its a bit pricey ($40 for a tube) but its stops the itch instantly, plus it has little grains of what feel like sand in it so while you are putting it on, it also scratches for you. It stop the itch and you need only one or two applications, but you will see a major difference in about 12 hours and its usually almost all gone within 48. Its pretty much just like a soap for it...I swear by this stuff.

  11. grand theft auto is better...fuck doing missions and all that shit. I just run around jumping cars off stuff, running people over, shooting automatic weapons at cops, and generally doing nothing. Its alot like my life except for the jumping cars off stuff, running people over, and shooting at cops.

  12. I started playing piano when I was 4 years old. At the age of 10 I learned to play the saxaphone and playe dup til my freshman year of high school. At 13 I pickedup the guitar and never looked back. I can also play bass, I halfway remember how to play clarinet and trumpet. Spent a year in high school learning to play teh bag pipes, could probably still playt hen if I didn't smoke. Started Playing drum kit at 16. You give me an instrument and I will figure it out.

  13. friday:

    see the lady off on her drive to cleveland

    donuts and coffe


    work til midnight




    if its not raining install an exahaust ignitor on my car

    full fluid change and filter change


    work at midnight



    probably work again.

    adult swim




    what did you did while 12oz was down: didn't even realize it was down until today and everyone was talking about it

    last magazine purchased: international tattoo art

    last beverage purchased: 3 shot mocha, no whip creme

    the meal you're dreaming about: something other than donuts

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