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Zack Morris

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Posts posted by Zack Morris

  1. my band is a four piece at the momsnt. Our drummer had left with our equipment so that leaves three and there were nine of them. One guy got really well introduced to the pavement in kentucky...as in its going to be in his skin for a long long time.....there is more bullshit involved and sadly these kids won't drop it but whatever.



    does wayne brady have to choke a bitch?

  2. i think that trend is almost over. I have been seeing those fuck twats wear them for about the past 2 or 3 years that seems be the life of a trend nowadays.

  3. thank god everyone else hates snow...The unseasonably warm winter on the east coast has been a blessing. Yesterday for about 3 minutes we had what I wouldn't even call flurries and I screamed curses twards the sky. When you do any kind of work that keeps you outdoors the snow really becomes the enemy.

  4. i bet she would have loved a whopper...think about it a girl that will slob it for a pizza has to be a biggin. She was about 5'4 and well over 200...she looked like a basket ball held up onvienna sausages with a meatball on top. The tits and giners I got to see later in the night were much better plus I got a $5.75 tip...happy new year.

  5. every girl I have dated that got on the pill after we got together pulled a complete 180 as far as personality goes. I would rather just rock the love glove than deal with my lady going completely ape shit on me because there are two dishes in the sink, a ciggerette butt on the deck, and then she spends four hours crying because she watched steel magnolia's again.

  6. I worked from midnight til 7:30 AM delivering pizza's...I made $158 and got to see some titties, giners, and got a bunch of free beers, to see a few fights, some nip slips, and had a fat girl offer to suck my dick for a pizza.....so far its been an interesting new year.

  7. Re: Banging 18 year olds,and other retarded shit


    ^^^ole dude has himself a fucking concubine...hell yeah.


    I think fucking 18 year old girls is too damn easy when you have a few years on them. Thats my thing with it. I used to hang out with some younger cats from work and they would always have a bunch of young girls at thier parties and since I was the older more mature guy they were usually willing to put out to me no prob. That takes all the fun out of it. I like having to put in a little work for a girl thats pants are not so easy to get into. Its like getting into the VIP vagina club. Plus there is not much that comes out of some 18 year old scenester sluts mouth that I feel like hearing.

  8. Re: What's your favorite gun?


    with the sigs the the 229 is nice but I personal like and carry a p232. the .380 stainless finish the hogue grip. The only complaint I have witht his gun just like with alot of other sigs is that breaking them in is a longer process than with alot of other guns, but that is what you get with german engineering. If your really wanting something with amazing balance check into h&k or kimber. They are a little more expensive than the sigs but god damn are they nice to shoot. I shot a .40 cal and it honestly felt like I was shooting a .22. The balance and accuracy were really impressive.


    zack morris plays with alot of guns...redneck status son.

  9. i am still awaiting my nephews to wake up so I can go to my sisters and watch them open up gifts. I know I am getting a $20 gift certificate to best buy from her and not sure what I am getting from the momskis. I am sure it will be something I bitched to her about earlier this year that I needed and couldn't afford.


    Atleast I get a free breakfast and all the bourbon balls I can eat.

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