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Posts posted by LICKERISH

  1. Great show. In a way, McConaughey is playing two characters at the same time, since the show takes place in present day and as flash backs. His beer drinking, chain smoking, staring off into space drunkard character is just as good as his past self. Very well done, and those opening credits somewhat remind me of the old X-files opening - which is an all time favorite.

  2. I bought a couple to check them out, on sale buy two get one free. Came to around $8 each, which is still too fucking much.


    Haven't tried them really, though I will say that NY Style caps do fit the cans, which was unexpected.

  3. How does a guy stay that fat when there is nothing to eat? Hope Mrs. Rick is dead, I really can't stand her stupidity and chicken look face anymore. Don't like that they're starting to recycle plot lines now, they weren't good first time through so why would they work now.

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  4. On one of those "talking dead" shows that was on after that finale, the directors actually came out and said the Otis found the girl and put her in the barn, but was killed before he could tell anyone about it. I guess they actually filmed scenes on it.

  5. Last episode got good. After 3-4 episodes of Dexter exploring God and his "light" side the show did a complete 180 and has him going darker. This better not be a tease or a let down and better be epic...


    I think its leading into some good things to come, and one of them might be Dex banging Angel's sister, seems like she wants it anyway.

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